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The Passing Ships Challenge: A Tradition of Connection and Community on the High Seas

The Renewed Importance of the Passing Ships Challenge in a Disconnected World.

By Scott Helmick Published about a year ago 3 min read
The Passing Ships Challenge: A Tradition of Connection and Community on the High Seas
Photo by Baptiste Buisson on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a world where ships roamed the seas and sailors braved the elements, there was a peculiar tradition that had been passed down through the generations. It was said that whenever two ships passed each other in the sea, the sailors aboard each ship were required to engage in a game of wits and skill.

The game was called "The Passing Ships Challenge" and it was said to have originated many centuries ago, during a time when pirates and bandits roamed the seas, and sailors had to be quick-witted and resourceful to survive. The rules of the game were simple. When two ships passed each other, the captain of each ship would signal to the other, and the sailors would prepare for the challenge. The captain of the first ship would shout out a riddle or a puzzle, and the captain of the second ship would have to solve it. If the captain of the second ship was able to solve the riddle or puzzle, they would then shout out a challenge of their own, and the captain of the first ship would have to solve it. The game would continue in this manner until one captain was unable to solve the challenge, at which point the other ship would be declared the winner.

By Guido Knook on Unsplash

Over time, the passing ships challenge became a beloved tradition among sailors, and it was said that some sailors would spend their entire lives mastering the art of riddles and puzzles, in the hopes of one day being the champion of the passing ships challenge. But as time went on, the passing ships challenge began to lose its popularity. Fewer and fewer sailors were interested in the game, and many felt that it was a pointless tradition that had lost its meaning. One day, a young sailor named Jack was aboard a ship that was passing another ship in the sea. As per tradition, the captain of Jack's ship signaled to the other ship, and the sailors prepared for the passing ships challenge. But to Jack's surprise, the captain of the other ship had a different challenge in mind. Instead of a riddle or a puzzle, the captain shouted out a simple question: "Why do we play this game?" The question caught Jack off guard, and he was momentarily speechless. But then he thought about it and realized that he didn't know the answer. He had always played the passing ships challenge simply because it was tradition, and he had never thought about why it was important.

By Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash

The captain of the other ship must have seen the confusion on Jack's face, because he shouted out an answer: "We play this game to remind ourselves that we are all in this together. The sea can be a lonely and dangerous place, but when we pass each other in the ocean, we are reminded that we are not alone. We are all sailors, we are all adventurers, and we are all connected by the vast expanse of the sea." Jack was struck by the captain's words. He realized that the passing ships challenge was not just a game, but a reminder of the human connection that existed between all sailors. It was a tradition that had been passed down through the generations, and it was a symbol of the shared experience that all sailors had. From that day forward, Jack played the passing ships challenge with renewed purpose and enthusiasm. He no longer saw it as a pointless tradition, but as a reminder of the human connection that existed between all sailors. And as he passed other ships in the sea, he would shout out riddles and puzzles with a renewed sense of joy and purpose. He knew that he was carrying on a tradition that had been passed down through the generations, and that he was a part of something much larger than himself. And so, the passing ships challenge continued to be played among sailors, not just as a game, but as a reminder of the human.

By Melvin on Unsplash


About the Creator

Scott Helmick

im a 49 year old collage student who is late to the game. but has bought his ticket and is trying to get in the best he can.

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