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The Man with Time

Why men are selective when dating

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Where are the men who take women out and get to know them these days? This is the number one questioned asked by a woman who falls short of the concept of today's man. Not to be insulting or combative, but with the changing dynamics of dating, one must understand that the mentality of men changed as well. I will explain to why men are selective and what can be done to help navigate in this dating market. No, the dating market doesn't have pee in it, some people need to rid themselves of a piss-poor selfish attitude and HEAL before considering dating. I speak from common experiences. I know there are women out there that do the good things, but in most cases, those women are out there doing good for the wrong guy.

Here are some reasons as to why men are very selective when dating:

1. The "Date them all sis, culture is definitely pee in the dating pool".

Let's call a spade, a spade. This mentality would not exists if the "Going Dutch" culture was OK with the majority of women. I don't know the numbers, but it is very safe to say that women think less and respect less of a man that will not pay for the date. This is one of the primary reasons that a man will be very selective with who he spends his time and money with. There are the plate-lickers that give honest women a bad name. However, as the GOAT said, if there are a bunch of snake coming down the street; it is not wise to stay on the same side of the street because there is no clue on which one will bite. Men these days, tend to stay clear and free of drama to avoid making a bad investment by spending money and time into someone who will not reciprocate, or in return, present ungratefulness. Yes, the rebuttal comes that men are dating multiple women as well. This statistic my circulate with the high-income earners, but the men making under 70K are selective. Oh yes, here it comes, men shouldn't be dating if they cannot afford it. Who says dating has to be expensive leads me right into my next point.

2. When men see that women are counting the cost of the date instead of the value of the date, we tend to run opposite of this mentality.

Pump the breaks! Coffee houses are the ultimate set up for so many reasons. This is a "win-win" situation for both parties. The cost is low, and there shouldn't be any expectation of sex after buying a women a $6 drink. Ladies, if those types are constantly popping up on the radar, then there is time to do some self evaluation which I will talk about later. I see the reel skits on social media and even though some of those scenes are scripted for entertainment, these events happen in real life. Ladies, men are wiser with their money because we are tired of being used and the economy is not set up for much room in error when it comes to financial mistakes. Cost of living has increased and men are not as casual with their spending. Stop letting social medial give a false pretense that everyone is out here with the income of 6-plus figures. Yes, these social media guys are, but not all of them. Kevin Samuels gave some good info (harsh delivery) but in the end, he was not a financially sound as her preached about women having a high-value man. He spoke of low income earners, but the tone often came across as if being with a low income earner was attached with a negative tag. We pay too much attention to people of high economic status by trying to mirror their lifestyles with our reality. My mother use to say, a champagne taste with beer money. Appreciate the coffee house invites! I promise that the surface of a man will open up to a deeper opportunity when he sees that a women respects his time over the location of the meeting place. Now if there are too many coffee house invites, then it may be time for that brother to move on. However, if he sees the potential, he will begin to invest more in the women.

3. Honey attracts more bees and the smell of vinegar will drive them away!

Ladies, it is so important that there is no room for past traumatic situations to surface. He is a clean sheet of paper. No, I am not saying forget about how the last person was in the relationship. However, learn from it and grow and let go! Women cannot make the current man pay for the mistakes of the past man. It is too obvious at times when the identifiers are seeping out that a woman is not over her previous lover. The limited trust issues, the conversational tone and even how some women turn advances down. Contrary to popular belief, women turn me down! Yeah, I know! The insanity of it is mind-boggling. There are two different tones a woman may use when turning down a man. Most women who are secure about herself will politely turn a man down, but those "waiting to exhale" women with built up baggage will chop a man's head off in a New York minute. Let me kill a falsehood that is out here today among women. I don't know where it was read, or who said it in a song, but the feminine energy of a women should always be presented to a man. I could care less if he is the right man or not. Ladies please stop with this "She-ra" princess of the damned attitude and be nice to men. Hell, that's what we have boxing, WWE and football for! Again, the women who knows this, have little problems with men asking them out on dates.

If a fairly attractive woman is having a hard time being approached or even invited on a date. She needs to consider the Big 3. Her mentality of dating and her value of dating. Most importantly, her tone and body language she is giving off. No man wants to date a woman flying a broom.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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