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The Magic behind the Twin Flame Lie

The sad truth about TWIN FLAMES

By Lachandra JordanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The nonsense regarding TWINFLAMES, SOULMATES and KARMICS

Okay, I think this is societies way of making their physical attractions to people they really, really, really want to sleep with i.e women into something pseudo-spiritual. I know what you are saying I already hear it while I’m typing…"noooo, it’s special, we have a special connection”. Yes, I get it, you FEEL like you have a special connection to the person you are really ATTRACTED to. Well, I have some unlucky news for you but that is how everyone feels when they are attracted to someone. And that doesn’t make your attraction any more spiritual then the next attraction. The biggest problem that I find with everyone’s sudden obsession with the TWINFLAME is well everything. Mainly how the only people who seem to feel like they have a TF are women who are prone to chase men. So, do I think this whole TF BS was started by the pseudo-spiritualist who need a way to make people obsessed with their brand of pseudo spiritualism so they can continue to make money off you, YES, YES I DO think that.

First, let’s take the TF journey and break it down. This supposed journey that only certain select individual souls are on to find their one true meaningful love that will change the world (eye roll). Okay, the reason I call this all pseudo-spiritual is because in reality nothing that takes place on the spiritual realm can really be proven NOT even the existence of GOD. That is fact, so it is very easy to say to the masses that this new spiritual idea has come around and let’s all believe it and jump on this bandwagon because like who can prove it’s not true. I mean is the believe that certain people have inherited a soul that was split apart from its other half and will spend lifetimes looking for that other half until they reunite anymore true than the ancient belief in reincarnation and Karma, no or at least we can't prove it. So, that is where the issues lies. You can’t prove it’s not true. So, if by that logic you feel like this guy that you have been pinning away for for years who pays you absolutely no attention but you spoke to a spiritualist and a psychic and a tarot reader and look online and found that what you am going through fits the TF journey then who is to tell you that they aren’t your TF. In the past whenever someone who felt this way about some fuckboy/girl that they were chasing after and just couldn’t get over we either call it a crush or label it for what it was, being stupid.

Sad NEWFLASH: It isn’t love if both people don’ t feel it and act accordingly to it. So, stop telling yourself this person is a karmic. That person is your TF, stop convincing yourself they just aren’t awake yet. As if you are so woke spiritually. Like, you have ascended to some higher plan of existence that deems you ready to be one of the select few who is destined to experience this spiritual love. STOP and ask yourself just how spiritual were you before you supposedly met your TF, right exactly. So, why would you all of a sudden be so ready to experience this intense spiritual love. What changed? I will tell you, nothing changed and you are not experiencing TF love you are experience your deep rooted desire to be loved and loneliness projecting onto someone else. Someone else who truly doesn’t deserve your attention let alone you labeling them your TF. But again this TF crap was created to make women feel like their never ending search for someone to love them won’t in fact go in vein because it will all make sense once they come into union with the person they are destined to be with….crap, crap, crap and more crap.

I think this will trigger people because at the end of the day we hate to hear anyone tell us that our fantasy isn’t true and we just made it up in our minds but once you truly delve into spiritualty and what spirituality has to offer you the one thing you will get much more familiar with is yourself and self-love comes along with that and the weird realization that once you start really loving yourself and your own company and not looking for the intense feeling of love from the outside how unimportant it is to your existence. You don’t in fact need someone else’s love to move mountains, you don’t need another’s love to get you through the day happy and content, you don’t need someone else's love to change the world. LOVE is exceptional and we should all practice it all the time but this silly notion that romantic love serves some purpose in our lives much greater than any other kind of love is why Valentine's day is so popular and why Sweeties day became a thing although we already have Valentine’s day.

Believe me when I say, your attraction to that person regardless of what stage of the TF journey it is in (runner/chaser, Union, Karmic interference) you don’t need that person to stress you out or add to your journey. AND once you truly become spiritually in union with yourself you will understand why all this TF nonsense is just that, NONSENSE.


About the Creator

Lachandra Jordan

Hello, Please check out my books available on Amazon and Kindle

Morning Coffee; Love is a simple theme

An Inspired Life; A 8 step plan to a more fulfilling life

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