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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The Last Hope

By Javed ShaikhPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled and the rain beat against the windows. I was home alone, reading a book by the fire.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I put down my book and went to investigate.

The kitchen was dark, but I could see a figure standing in the corner. The figure was tall and slender, and it was wearing a long black dress.

I turned on the light, and the figure turned to face me. It was a woman, but her face was pale and gaunt. Her eyes were sunken and her lips were blood red.

"Hello," she said in a low voice. "My name is Lilith."

I was speechless. I had never seen anything like her before.

"What do you want?" I asked finally.

"I want you to worship the dead," she said.

I laughed. "You must be joking," I said.

"I'm not joking," she said. "The dead are our masters. They control our lives and our destinies. We must worship them or we will suffer their wrath."

I took a step back. "I don't believe you," I said.

"Believe what you want," she said. "But the truth is, the dead are everywhere. They are watching us. They are waiting for us to worship them."

And with that, she turned and walked out of the kitchen.

I stood there for a long time, trying to process what had just happened. I didn't know what to believe.

But then, I started to hear things. Whispers in the darkness. Footsteps following me down the hallway.

I was scared, but I refused to give in to fear. I knew that if I worshipped the dead, I would be doomed.

I went to bed that night, but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about Lilith and what she had said.

The next morning, I woke up feeling exhausted. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, but when I turned on the light, I saw something that made my blood run cold.

There was a black altar in the middle of the kitchen. On the altar was a skull and a pair of candles.

I knew that Lilith had done this. She was trying to force me to worship the dead.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the altar. I grabbed the skull and threw it in the trash. Then I blew out the candles.

I knew that this was only the beginning. Lilith would not give up easily.

Over the next few weeks, things got worse. I would wake up in the middle of the night to find Lilith standing over me. She would whisper in my ear, telling me that I had to worship the dead.

I started to see things. Shadowy figures in the corners of my vision. Faces in the mirror that weren't my own.

I was losing my grip on reality. I didn't know what was real and what was not.

One night, I woke up to find Lilith standing over me, holding a knife.

"It's time," she said.

I knew that she meant it. She was going to force me to worship the dead, or she was going to kill me.

I closed my eyes and waited for the end.

But then, I heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes and saw that Lilith had been knocked to the ground.

Standing over her was a man. He was tall and muscular, and he had long black hair.

"Get away from her," he said to Lilith.

Lilith snarled at him, but she backed away.

The man turned to me and smiled. "Don't worry," he said. "I'm here to help you."

I didn't know who he was, but I knew that he was my savior.

The man told me that his name was Gabriel, and that he was an angel. He said that he had been sent to protect me from Lilith and the other demons.

Gabriel stayed with me for the next few days. He helped me to cleanse my house of the demon's presence.

He also taught me how to defend myself against the demons.

One night, Lilith and a group of demons attacked us. But Gabriel and I were ready for them.

We fought bravely, and we defeated them.

After that night, Lilith and the other demons never bothered me again.

I am forever grateful to Gabriel for saving me. He is my hero.

I still have nightmares about Lilith and the demons. But I know that Gabriel is always there to protect me.

And I know that I will never worship the dead.

After the night of the attack, Gabriel and I grew closer. He told me more about himself and his mission. He also told me more about the demons and their plans for the world.

I learned that the demons were planning to open a portal to Hell and unleash their army on Earth. They wanted to enslave humanity and rule the world.

Gabriel and I vowed to stop them, no matter the cost.

We spent the next few weeks training and preparing for the battle to come. Gabriel taught me how to use my own powers against the demons. He also taught me how to fight with a sword and shield.

I was a quick learner, and I soon became a skilled warrior.

One night, Gabriel and I received a message from our informant. The demons were planning to open the portal to Hell the next night.

We knew that we had to stop them, so we set out for the location of the portal.

When we arrived, we found the demons already there. They were chanting and preparing the ritual.

Gabriel and I charged into battle. We fought our way through the demons, and we finally reached the portal.

Gabriel raised his sword and struck the portal with all his might. The portal shattered into a thousand pieces.

The demons were furious. They attacked us with renewed vigor.

But Gabriel and I were too strong for them. We fought our way out of the demon horde and escaped into the night.

We had saved the world, but we knew that the war was far from over. The demons would be back, and we would be ready for them.

Gabriel and I continued to fight the demons for many years. We trained other warriors and formed a resistance movement.

We fought the demons on every front, and we slowly but surely pushed them back.

One day, Gabriel and I led a final assault on the demons' stronghold. We fought our way through their ranks and finally reached their leader, the demon lord Belial.

Belial was a powerful demon, but Gabriel and I were stronger. We defeated him in battle and banished him back to Hell.

With the demon lord defeated, the remaining demons scattered and disappeared.

The war was finally over, and humanity was saved.

Gabriel and I were hailed as heroes. We were offered positions of power and prestige, but we declined. We wanted to live simple lives and help others.

We opened a school to train new warriors to fight the forces of darkness. We also traveled the world, helping people in need and fighting injustice wherever we found it.

Gabriel and I are still fighting the good fight, and we will continue to do so until the day we die.

We know that the forces of darkness are always lurking in the shadows, but we are ready for them. We will never let them succeed in their plans to enslave humanity.

We are the guardians of the light, and we will never give up.


About the Creator

Javed Shaikh

Hello I am Javed Shaikh I am a writer, Blogger, and Traveller, I love to write and I always love to be creative I like Stores and love to share

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