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The Illusion of Progress

The Delusions of Modernity

By Eren ŞahinPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
"Degenerate" from Alfred Kubin


Humanity is trapped in the illusion of progress, which has blinded them to the true nature of their existence. Modernity, with its endless technological advancements and scientific discoveries, has lulled humanity into a state of complacency and self-deception. The concept of progress is an artificial construct that humanity has created to justify its own existence. It is a false sense of achievement that has no inherent value. Progress is nothing but a delusion that masks the true nature of human existence: a futile attempt to create meaning where there is none. Modern society has become obsessed with the pursuit of progress, believing that technological advancements will somehow solve all of our problems. This belief is a dangerous fallacy that has led us down a path of self-destruction. We have become so focused on the future that we have lost touch with the present. In our pursuit of progress, we have destroyed the very foundations of our existence. Our environment is dying, our societies are collapsing, and our values are disintegrating. We have created a world that is hollow and meaningless, where the pursuit of progress has become an end in itself. must wake up from this delusion of progress and recognize the true nature of its existence. We must abandon the false sense of achievement that progress provides and rediscover the true value of life. We must learn to appreciate the present and create a world that is sustainable and meaningful. In the end, progress is nothing but a mirage that leads us further away from the truth. We must embrace the impermanence of our existence and learn to live in the present moment. Only then can we create a world that is truly worth living in.

The modern world is a cesspool of moral decay and spiritual emptiness. It is a place where people have lost their way and forgotten the true purpose of their existence. The pursuit of material wealth and pleasure has become the sole focus of humanity, and as a result, we have lost touch with the things that truly matter. In our pursuit of material gain, we have sacrificed our souls. We have become slaves to our desires, and as a result, we have lost our sense of morality and compassion. The world has become a cold and heartless place, where people only care about themselves and their own interests.

The greatest tragedy of our time is that people no longer seek to better themselves, but instead, they seek to satisfy their base desires. They have abandoned the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, and instead, they seek only to entertain themselves and distract themselves from the realities of life. The world needs to rediscover the importance of morality and spirituality. We must learn to prioritize the things that truly matter, such as love, compassion, and human connection. We must strive to better ourselves and become the best version of ourselves that we can be. Only by embracing our humanity and connecting with each other on a deeper level can we hope to create a better world. The pursuit of material wealth and pleasure will never bring us true happiness or fulfillment. It is only through the pursuit of higher ideals that we can hope to find meaning in our lives and make the world a better.

Why do you still feel lonely when everyone is around?


Loneliness is often romanticized as a state of heightened self-awareness and individuality, but in reality, it can be a dangerous and destructive force.

It can lead to a sense of isolation and despair, and ultimately, to a loss of meaning in life. In a world that values individuality and self-expression, loneliness can be seen as a badge of honor. But in truth, it is a symptom of a deeper malaise in our society. We have lost touch with our sense of community and connection, and as a result, we have become alienated from one another. The pursuit of individuality has led us to become isolated and disconnected from the world around us.We have become obsessed with our own desires and needs, and as a result, we have lost our sense of empathy and compassion for others.


Boredom is not simply a lack of stimulation, but a symptom of a deeper malaise in our lives. It is a sign that we have lost touch with our own desires and our own sense of purpose. In a world that values productivity and efficiency above all else, we have become slaves to our own schedules and routines. We have lost our sense of spontaneity and adventure, and as a result, we have become bored and disengaged from life. But boredom is not simply a passive state; it can be a powerful motivator for change. It is in moments of boredom that we are forced to confront our own sense of purpose and reevaluate our lives. So boredom is dangerous because you can do everything when you bored. Like you can kill somebody or steal money from the bank but theese are easy and fast but its not good and ethic. It is our own choice and responsibility but we can use boredom to do good things .


About the Creator

Eren Şahin

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