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The Guiding Star

Knowing your goal

By Michelle Hustle Published 11 months ago 3 min read
The Guiding Star
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

In a quaint village nestled among rolling hills, lived a young girl named Lily. From a tender age, Lily possessed an unwavering determination and an indomitable spirit. She had always dreamed of becoming an accomplished pianist and sharing her music with the world. With a heart full of ambition and a melody in her soul, she embarked on a journey to pursue her passion.

Lily's journey was not without its challenges. Doubt whispered in her ear, questioning her abilities and tempting her to abandon her dreams. The path ahead seemed arduous and uncertain. Yet, she refused to let the doubts consume her spirit. With steadfast resolve, she sought solace in her guiding star—the vision of her goal shining brightly in her mind's eye.

Her days were spent practicing tirelessly, fingers dancing across the piano keys with fervor and dedication. But as time passed, Lily began to realize that mere practice was not enough to reach her destination. She needed guidance, someone who could provide the knowledge and wisdom she craved.

It was during a local concert that Lily met Mr. Davis, a renowned pianist who exuded grace and expertise. Mesmerized by his performance, she approached him with timid steps, hoping he could become her mentor. Mr. Davis, recognizing the fire in Lily's eyes, agreed to take her under his wing.

Under Mr. Davis's guidance, Lily's skills flourished. He taught her to find the delicate balance between technique and emotion, urging her to pour her heart into every note. With each passing day, Lily's confidence soared, her talent blossoming like a fragrant melody filling the air.

However, as the months went by, Lily's vision of success became blurred. The glittering world of fame and recognition seemed enticing, clouding her perception of her true purpose. She started to question whether her goal was truly to share her music or merely to bask in the applause and accolades.

One evening, as Lily sat at the piano, her fingers hesitant and her heart heavy, Mr. Davis sensed her inner turmoil. He approached her with gentle eyes and asked, "Lily, what is your goal? What do you truly seek through your music?"

Lily paused, her thoughts swirling. Memories of her childhood dreams and the joy of creating melodies flooded her mind. And in that moment of reflection, she realized that her goal was not about external validation. It was about touching hearts, evoking emotions, and bringing solace to those who listened.

With newfound clarity, Lily understood that her purpose was not to chase fame but to connect with others through the universal language of music. The guiding star within her shone brighter than ever, illuminating her path and reminding her of the essence of her journey.

From that day forward, Lily played with a renewed passion. Her music resonated with sincerity, evoking tears, laughter, and a myriad of emotions. Audiences were captivated, not only by her technical skill but by the genuine love she poured into every note.

As time flowed like a sonata, Lily's music reached beyond the village, touching the hearts of people far and wide. Her reputation grew not because of her desire for fame, but because of the genuine connection she established with her listeners. Through her music, she reminded others of their own dreams, inspiring them to pursue their passions with unwavering determination.

And so, Lily's journey continued, guided by the unwavering light of her goal. She understood that success was not measured by external accomplishments but by the depth of impact she made on the lives of others. With each key she pressed, she knew she was leaving a lasting imprint on the world—a testament to the power of knowing one's goal


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About the Creator

Michelle Hustle




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