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The Energies of the Universe Flow Into Your Soul if You Learn to Recognize Them!

Here Are the 7 Important Signs

By Kristeen BawlerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The Energies of the Universe Flow Into Your Soul if You Learn to Recognize Them!
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Sometimes your path is strewn with uncertainties and it seems to you that you can't move forward if you don't get certain answers.

Whether you are pursuing a goal, or you are at a crossroads in your life, you need deeper guidance than human counsel to connect you with your meaning and mission. Intuition is the only gift you can use in such circumstances, doubled by patient attention, to help you decipher the messages sent by the divinity.

When you remove prejudices and doubts, you open yourself to cosmic energies, like a vessel that is ready to receive the nectar of wisdom. From the second you decide to let the Universe guide you, your life changes, it becomes full of symbols and meanings.

You no longer use reason but access the more subtle realms of consciousness, as well as the latent energies of the subconscious. Carl Jung, the well-known psychoanalyst in love with the occult, talked about synchronicity, that kind of significant coincidences that come our way when we look for certain answers and that can only be explained by energetic messages from an entity beyond us.

These messages can only be intended for one person, so they make no sense to anyone else. But they must be greeted with complete confidence, because only in this way will you be able to understand what the Universe communicates to you. Here are the top 7 signs that you are connected to the cosmic energies:

1. Always see angelic numbers: 1111, 2222, 444, 333, 555

Such numbers are higher vibrational messages than those in the terrestrial world, which you receive from celestial beings that guide you.

Even if you are not the type who believes in angels, it is possible to capture an influence that you can call whatever you want, from the collective unconscious to the transpersonal entity. What is certain is that such magical numbers can appear everywhere - on the supermarket receipt, on the phone screen, on the book you are reading. If you notice these numerical combinations more and more often, your spiritual protectors will tell you that you are on the right path.

It is a perfect opportunity to connect with you and make sure you have only positive thoughts. Depending on the numbers you encounter, you will make certain decisions, and your actions will be inspired and effective, leading you to your goals.

2. Listen to the same song over and over again

Sometimes a song resonates in your mind, which haunts you for days on end. You often feel like you're being parasitized and you don't pay attention to his lyrics. Or the same message comes to mind, repeating itself over and over again. As with angelic numbers, the song or message may appear in the outside world, on the street, at the store, or work. For example, in a time of great challenges, the song that regularly came to mind was "We are the champions."

I later realized that it was an anticipation that I would be able to overcome the obstacles, which is what happened. When a message haunts you, it's time to dump her and move on. No matter where it comes from or how it's worded, trust me it's just a message for you.

3. You start receiving small rewards

You are surprised that there are small things that happen the way you want: you hurry and the bus comes right away, you feel like a cake and you can find it in the fridge, you receive a gift card or a free invitation to an interesting event or someone gives exactly the book you were looking for in bookstores.

Things seem insignificant, but when it happens like a charm, several days in a row, you can't help but think that you are favored and someone up there loves you. When such coincidences and synchronicities occur more and more frequently, it is time to implement your most important plans. The universe tells you that you are in a good time to achieve your goals.

4. Inspired ideas invade you

Wherever you go and whatever you do, brilliant ideas come to you, ready to be put into practice and lead you to success. They appear effortlessly, they simply flood your mind, as if someone were sending them to you from outside.

You feel connected to an endless source of creativity and you stop at every step to make notes, about another inspired thought that took you by storm. In addition, you have a sense of urgency, as if all these ideas are bursting into reality from one moment to the next. You feel that you can no longer wait, that you are ready to set the whole Universe in motion with the power of your intentions.

5. You feel supported in everything you do

You get the impression that someone is guiding you and protecting your every action, that you are connecting to an inexhaustible source of energy and you do not feel any fatigue, no matter how hard you work. Normally, when someone makes important life changes or very bold actions, they feel dry, overwhelmed, and full of doubts.

But when you anchor yourself in the cosmic energies, nothing seems too difficult to you. Even if you don't have any clear confirmation (yet), you feel that things are going a bit on their own and all your actions are paying off. You are aware that the Universe is behind every intention you put into practice, so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and throw yourself into the most exciting adventures.

You have the certainty that everything will be resolved, in the end, even if you have no rational proof in this regard.

6. The people you need around you are starting to show up

If your goals depend on other people or you need someone's expertise to get started in a particular business, those you need will start to appear around you. Perhaps a well-known mentor, whom you have been trying to get into for a long time, is offering a free promotional course.

Or a reputable investor is ready to support you to give life to your business plan. Or you meet the spiritual master you have been waiting for for a long time. If you have heard the saying "When the student is ready, the teacher appears," you will now find that it is perfectly true. The moment you ask for guidance, the Universe will hurry to send it to you, in the form best suited to your intentions.

7. Unexpected challenges work in your favor

You may feel that too many obstacles arise when you pursue your dreams. But you do not know the secret intentions of the Universe. Another proverb says that "All evil is for good!" Nothing happens without a purpose when you ask for the help of cosmic energies. So, whatever comes your way, it will benefit you in the long run.

And if something doesn't work out the way you want it to, it doesn't work for you. What seems difficult today, tomorrow will be just one step in your evolution. No matter what you face, it is a challenge to outdo yourself to be able to receive the long-awaited reward.


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    KBWritten by Kristeen Bawler

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