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"The Enchantment of the Purple Clouds"

Discovering the Magic Within Ourselves

By DHINESH CRPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A woman gazing up at the night sky, with purple clouds swirling above her

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky, and every night, Sofía would watch in wonder as they swirled and twirled in the sky above her. She had been enchanted by the dance of the clouds since she was a little girl, and even now, as a grown woman, she still felt a childlike excitement whenever she saw them.

Sofía lived in a small town surrounded by mountains, where life was simple and the people were friendly. Her parents had passed away when she was young, and she had grown up under the care of her grandmother, who had taught her everything she knew about the magic of the world.

Her grandmother had told her stories of fairies and unicorns, talking animals and enchanted forests, and a world beyond what the eyes could see. She had taught Sofía how to read the stars, how to talk to the plants, and how to listen to the whispers of the wind.

But most of all, her grandmother had taught her about the purple clouds. She had told her that they were a sign of magic, a manifestation of the power that existed in the universe. And every night, she would take Sofía outside to watch them dance, holding her hand and pointing out the shapes that the clouds would take.

As Sofía grew older, she began to see the world in a different light. The magic that had once seemed so real and tangible began to fade away, replaced by the practical concerns of everyday life. She got a job, fell in love, and started a family while pushing the memories of her grandmother's stories to the back of her mind.

But the purple clouds never left her. Every night, as she lay in bed, she would hear them calling out to her, whispering secrets that only she could hear. And so, one night, she decided to follow them.

She put on her coat, slipped on her boots, and quietly left her house, making her way toward the mountains that surrounded her town. The clouds were her guide, leading her deeper and deeper into the heart of the wilderness.

As she walked, she began to notice that the world around her was changing. The trees grew taller, the air grew colder, and the ground beneath her feet grew softer. She felt as though she was walking through a dream, a world that existed somewhere between reality and fantasy.

Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, she saw a light up ahead. It was a faint glow, but it was enough to give her hope that she was heading in the right direction. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest until she emerged into a clearing.

There, in the center of the clearing, was a circle of stones, arranged in a perfect circle. In the middle of the circle was a small fire, its flames flickering in the wind. And sitting by the fire was an old woman, her hair as white as the snow, her eyes as bright as the stars.

"Welcome, Sofía," the old woman said, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze. "I have been expecting you."

Sofía stared at the old woman in shock. How did she know her name? And why was she here, in the middle of the wilderness?

"You have been chosen, Sofía," the old woman said as if reading her thoughts. "Chosen to carry on your grandmother's legacy, and to bring magic back into the world."

Sofía didn't know what to say. She had never believed in destiny, or fate, or anything of the sort. But as she looked at the old woman, she felt a sense of recognition, as if she had known her whole life.


About the Creator


Hi! My name is Dhinu and I am a passionate blogger who loves to write. I bring unique perspectives and insights to the table.

Reader insights

Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    This was really engaging and feels really well thought out! This feels like a great beginning to a bigger story, will you be doing a sequel or part two?

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