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The day my heart broke for the first time

A broken heart is harder to heal

By AbikaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The day my heart broke for the first time
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Only true love last forever, never give up on it

Well actually, that wasn't a day it was a night. I have heard them say that your first love cuts deepest, I believe that is true. But the first heartbreak usually sets the tone for more and how you react to the first gives a general idea of when you will respond until you find true love. But let me get back to my heartbreak story.

My first heartbreak story

At this point, I was already in college, also a sophomore, and feeling myself. We had been together for 3 years now, so I thought this was forever, yes I was naive then. I wasn't much of a party person, but with the extra freedom, I figure I go out and have fun.

So I got dressed up, my mother helped prepare and I have my brother drop me so I wouldn't have to drive home just in case I enjoy myself too much. As I remember it was a friend's presummer party, in a nice space. When I got there, fashionably later, of course, I was surprised to see only a few persons. My boyfriend wasn't here either, I knew he was on his way with another friend. So, I got a drink, took a seat, and get into the vibe of the party.

30 minutes later he still hadn't arrived, but it being a weekend I figure traffic and so on. The party was populated with more of his friends but what I didn't notice were the stares and whispers going on around me. Truth be told, it didn't bother me that much, so I didn't bother to take it on.

The grand entrance

It was now 50 minutes after my arrival, that's when I saw my boyfriend walk through the door. It was him and a mutual primary school friend. The table I was seated at was just a few steps away from the door. So I raised my hands when they came in, but he seem to have ignored my gesture. Naive me, though it was because it was dark so he probably didn't recognize me. They, I should say walked right by my table and sat further to the back almost out of sight from the door.

This was the first leap of my heart. After a short message to tell him where I was his only response was "oh I saw, I'll be there in a few". At this point, it was a WTF MOMENT. That was the second leap, but I can feel the blood boiling in my veins.

The third strike was afoot. I got up, walked over to their table were 2 other friends were, sat down, and glared. This young man proceeded to say "Hi, how are you?" and that was it. I couldn't hold back the pain and anger I felt. I said just how angry I was, went back to my table, and finished the last 30 minutes to the hour before I called my brother to come to pick me up.

By Nikola Topić on Unsplash

It didn't end there

Over the preceding days I was made to understand a few facts I was completely naive or should I say oblivious to:

The mutant friend that came to the party with him, was his girlfriend. At least, his friends knew that she was. So imagine my confusion when I had introduced him as my boyfriend to my little group.

They had officiated their relationship a few months ago and they were intimate. At this point, it felt like I was living a soap opera that was, my life.

The people at the party, even though they know me and what was going on, were very loyal to him and her. They made me a laughing stock that night.

After everything that went down, I decided to cut my losses. I never trusted either of them again and my hate for them was still scorching. a couple of months before my, now, husband and I started dating. These persons tried to say they didn't mean it and they were sorry. I have forgiven them both, but I always remember what they did and how they did it.

How can someone you love so much break your heart like this and doesn't care at all?

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About the Creator


I started writing because it was my way to vent. Now I absolutely enjoyed writing and sharing.

I also write at Medium, find me at:


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