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The "Conditional Standard"

Why many People have stopped trying for Marriage.

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The "Conditional Standard"
Photo by mulugeta wolde on Unsplash

The dooming statement made by an unwise lady so many years ago, can be so true, but so damaging to all parties involved at the same time. A woman has a right to change her prerogative and there is no argument there at all. The damaging part comes normally in most cases, it is when the woman is not getting her way after a man has met her conditions. Now I am not speaking to the sense of a woman's body, because no one has a right to touch a person under any circumstances. So, let's set the record straight and let me go on record by saying no one can treat you like property. Now some of the analogies that I will mention will reference to property. Also, this might help the reader to understand that when making demands and holding standards (to some degree) causes us to treat people like property and we don't even realize it. Now I can only stress my experiences from the heterosexual male aspect, and I am not devaluing the viewpoints of any other individuals.

This might be the short intro to a promising book because there are too many points to cover, but I will try my best to have this all make sense so that the reader can take something away from this article. I'm not easy with placing standards on people that can fade or alter under the changing of conditions. A job, or career and even a place to live may be standards that can be a bit too demanding at times. This is not to be confused with someone that may lack the will or drive to support his or herself, I'm simply saying that people should place a required standard based on unstable possessions. No matter how stressed proof, financially sound of a plan that may appear to be in place; we all know that a slight change of the times can alter anything.

Men should not have to purchase a woman's femininity! I hear far too many women holds the position that if she pays some or any portion of the household bills, she has a right to "call the shots" or help with decisions in the relationship. She now feels equal and can hold the role of the man of the house. Well, if someone breaks into the house in the middle of the night, I wonder if the woman feels equally obligated to check and see who is breaking in? A man's masculinity, nor a woman's femininity come with an attached cost or a condition along with it. Now, I'm speaking to those who are not entertainers and make a great deal of money from sports. What sense is it to have a man pay all the bills in the house and a woman with a good established career sit back and do whatever with her money? Most women take this position because they want to be praised for their modern accomplishments from their degrees and careers, but when the time comes to invest or help support the family, now the man has to pay for her femininity. That is an unfair, "Burger King" type of mentality that will eventually have you divorced or bitter, maybe both. It is just not a good display of common sense with the economy we have today. Maybe during the Ward and June Clever days it was okay for a man to pay all the bills, but even back then, the June knew her role. Now I'm not trying to push the woman back to the 60s, however, we all have to use modern times with modern methods.

Again, I can only stress my thoughts, views and experiences as a heterosexual male. I know there are other views and men that think other ways, and even there is an exception to every rule. I also understand that women want their "freedom". However, when did freedom ever exist in a marriage? Like Chris Rock said, relationships determine a great deal of work. One person struggles when trying to move a couch! However, with teamwork, anything is possible. Roles come with different responsibilities, so don't sit there as a woman and expect the man to do when it's convenient, that's not a winning formula.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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