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Sunrise to Sunset

A Date Unexpected

By Shauna ParisPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

She stood on the side of I-85 at 7am, with her hair blowing all around her face in the wind, as the cars sped by her. Her phone dead, her radiator blown, smoke filling the air, she began walking. Not knowing where she should go from here, she started heading towards the next exit, praying that the rain would hold out long enough to get her inside somewhere.

An hour later she finally got to the next exit and made a B-line for the closest gas station. Once inside the sky fell out and it started pouring down fat, heavy raindrops. Thanking her lucky stars, she purchased a phone charger and asked to borrow the store phone. She called the only number she remembered by heart.

Jason was her most recent ex boyfriend, but she knew she could rely on him to help her in an emergency. As she already knew, he said he’d be there in 20 minutes. As she walked around the store, she saw the cutest guy she’d seen in a long time. Not one to bring attention to herself, she hid behind the chips and secretly watched him from her poorly chosen hiding spot. He looked like a truck driver of some sort, maybe just making a pit stop.

Two years of being single has taken a toll on her. She didn’t realize how much she missed interactions with the opposite sex. She was so infatuated with the way his hips moved with each step, the way his fingers touched the items he was picking up, the way his hat sat on his head, the way his shirt hung lose around his midsection, the way his eyes were looking up into hers. Oh no, he saw her watching him. She looked away quickly and turned to walk away, effectively knocking over the chip display she had previously been using as her hiding spot. Inadvertently bringing the most attention her direction than she ever had before, she fumbled to pick up each bag and quickly place them back on the display. As she bent to grab the last few bags, he bent down to grab them too, and like a scene straight out of a romantic movie, his fingers met her fingers and the sparks flew. His eyes met her eyes and they were just frozen in time, the only two people in the store, perhaps even in the world.

She nervously broke the physical connection of their skin and pulled her hand away and looked at her feet. She shyly apologized and placed the chips back on the display and turned to leave. As she started to walk away, she heard him say, “I’m David.” She stopped, turned around, looked him in the eye again, and replied, “I’m Shannon.” He put the bags he had picked up back on the display beside the ones she had just placed there and stepped towards her, extending his hand for a shake. As she reached out to shake his hand the connection of their fingers wrapping around hands was electrifying. Both sort of jolted simultaneously.

With the initial greeting out of the way, and the awkward moment behind them, to an extent, they began walking around the store and talking to each other. They talked as if they had known each other for years. It was so easy. By the time Jason arrived to pick her up, 2 hours late at 10:30, David had given her his number and they parted ways. She sat in silence in the car as Jason drove her to her house, contemplating her next move. Should she text him or call him, and if so, when? She decided to text him right then. “Hey. Couldn’t wait to ask later, I have a wine tasting to go to tonight, will you go with me?” The rest of the ride home was quiet, only the sounds of the road under the tires met her ears as she remembered every detail of her unexpected connection to this enticing stranger.

She got dressed for work and had Jason drive her there. More awkwardness. More silence. Clocking in at 12 she was now 2 hours late. She worked tirelessly to make up for her tardiness. When she was done with her work, she sat in the break room and called the shop her car got towed to. “Guaranteed Automotive, How can we help you today?” said the voice on the other end. “Hi, my car broke down this morning and the tow company that towed it called me this morning saying they dropped it off with your shop and I was wondering if it was ready. It’s the green Spark.” The man indicated that the radiator had been replaced as well as the coolant reservoir and pressure test indicated no other leaks to their visual knowledge, that she could pick her car up whenever she was ready. “I don’t have a way to get to it, is there anyone who could bring it to me at work in about 45 minutes?” The man on the phone said it would cost a little extra because his guy would be leaving him alone to a do so, she agreed, and it was set up.

She walked out of her job, dressed for a fancy hair. Saving time she got ready to go at work, and would meet David at the restaurant at 6:30. It being 5:45 now, she was glad she had brought her clothes and changed at work. She sees her car pulling into the lot and heads for the front car line. Walking up to her car, she sees a familiar face behind the wheel. David!!! Her heart starts to race, her palms get sweaty, her stomach fills with butterflies. This is more unexpected than this morning. He pulled up in front of her, got out of the car, and walked to where she was standing. “You’re chariot awaits m’lady” he said with the brightest smile that equaled the smile she saw in his twinkling eyes. She is speechless, but can’t help but reciprocate that smile.

With a wild turn of events, she recalled all they talked about this morning. Her car breaking down, where it broke down, how long it took her to get there, and how late Jason was. As she remembered their conversation, she didn’t really remember anything that he said about what he did she just assumed he was a truck driver. Well now she’s paying extra attention to what he’s saying from now on, instead of her imagining things like how his lips would feel on her fingertips. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she took a very long look up and down his body, he was dressed up nice too. Wearing a black blazer over a white button up shirt, and a very nice pair of form fitting jeans, with a pair of Black boots. He looks delicious and realized her mouth was parched. Licking her lips to try and moisten them, she noticed his eyes watching her tongue dart out and quickly trace her bottom lip. She still is confused and baffled but accepts the open door and steps into her car. They drive 20 minutes to get to the restaurant. No one really talks the whole ride. Tension could be cut with a knife in the air.

Pulling up he steps out of the car first, walks around and opens her door holding his hand out for her to help out of the car. She placed her hand in his and sparks fly yet again. Walking into the restaurant, they are seated beside a fireplace surrounded by exquisite bottles of wine. They are brought a bottle of Jetbird Merlot and poured a glass for each of them. They swirl the glasses, smell the berries and spices and sip to taste. They are both pleased with this first glass and decided to take a walk and finish them.

She hears him say something, looks up and says “Huh?”. So he repeats himself. “I was the person who answered the phone when you called the shop, and I’m the one who called you and told you I towed your car to the shop. You said this morning you broke down and I’m a mechanic with my own shop and tow truck, so I went and got it for you. When you asked me to go with you tonight I was hooking up the car to my truck. I hope it’s ok. And yes I day it would cost extra to bring you the car, but I just could not go another second without knowing what this wine tastes like on your lips.” As he’s talking he’s moving closer, wrapping his arm around her waist, touching his finger to her chin, letting her face upward towards his. Looking up at him looking down at her, he stops talking and gently presses his mouth to hers flicking his tongue lightly at her bottom lip, finally tasting the drop of Merlot that had been sitting there for too long. She sighed, and kissed him back and thought to herself, from sunup to sundown this has been the most interesting day ever, ending in a date unexpected.


About the Creator

Shauna Paris

True romantic at heart, torn down by reality. I started writing in 4th grade. My imagination was better than my reality. Always wanted to write, always tried and failed. I’m my own worst critic. Maybe I’ll have luck & build confidence here.

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