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Step outside

See there's a better way

By Lee NaylorPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Turning away from all I have heard, all that's been spoon fed. The day feels quick and yet so long and i'm tired and wanting bed. I don't want to work a job that lasts all day for pennies on the dollar. I don't want to rise before the sun and rush through the maze to a building that engulfs me.

I don't want to spend my life making money for another. When did humanity start thinking this was okay. When did we decide that this was how it was and there was nothing we could say? Its ending now and both the light and dark are having a hard time finding their way.

Stay in the light it wins in the end no matter what they say. One tells you it's the mind, one tells you it's the matter, but everyone knows they are devils on opposite shoulders, trying to rule the day. Listen the other voice, the calm one in the corner that one is the one that knows and will never lead astray.

Even me with such little patience, pacing the floors of my mind. Seeing bigger pictures that I've always been remind. I've listened to that voice scream so loud and still done something other. I'll always say that was my biggest fault each time I went rebel thunder.

Regret is not how we are supposed to live. We make mistakes, we don't listen to each other. The voice it tells us what is best and if we choose the path less traveled we may find adventure for awhile but someday we will find full circle. None of us last forever.

Our chains are being broken, one by one they snap. Doesn't matter which side that you stand eventually you must learn to unite. We are one. We are the light that's winning and we are opening up our eye. We are seeing all the strings that we are holding onto. They are going to snap.

It couldn't last forever, they thought they held us tight. It wouldn't last forever we were winning the fight. They are using all the tricks they find to keep those strings so tight, but one by one they snap and ping in deafened ears. Some stop to look around to see what was that sound, and then they too will know that it's been all played out.

Doesn't matter if it's Aliens, or others from so far. Doesn't matter if its hell on earth come in sit down and watch. The ceilings are crumbling the Earth has awakened to new strength. The Sky has fallen down and sped right up. This time there is no stopping the game that's been laid out. The light has won, the darkness is barely holding on, and the players are getting strong.

What do we think would happen if we all just said enough? What are we afraid they would do to us if we said we won't pay you anymore. How could they round us up, if they weren't holding on the strings? Take my hand and say no more and step into the light, it's right through the door.

We are many, we are strong. We have a right to say. If we just stop dividing and hold strong together they would have no more say. Look around and see how they are scrambling. Logically wonder how does it all make sense, and most importantly look inside, be quiet and listen to that voice.

It's the one that sits inside, so quiet in the corner. It's waiting for you to open up it's light and find your way. It's a quiet rumble on a dark cold day, a thought you can't escape. Even if you don't like it's answers it will never lead astray. Ask that voice and listen so intent.

How does it all make sense? A virus that has shut down our very nation, no more lethal than the rest. A vaccine that was made for a little virus that they can't pinpoint to study. So small it travels through the air, through every ones touch and everyone's air. It can't get through and harm you if you cover you face, doesn't matter what you do it with, thick cloth or lace.

It can't travel while your eating but once you stand you are at risk. It won't get you in the corporate world, but it will attack for sure in small business. The Grocery store is okay to be, it won't think to get you there, but don't you go to Grandmas house because she'll for sure get more. She won't survive so go right to the hospital and let them do what they do best. It's all about control.

You mustn't have a funeral when they pass, but you can go to a bar and drown your sorrows as long as you adhere the curfew, because that smart little virus knows that you are obeying and won't attack til you rebel.

Our government throws out a bone and collects up all the meat. They laugh while you praise their promises and grow manic at their feet. We fight each other like starving dogs with just one bone. We don't wonder what we fight for because they took the right to think, we fight because we are told to by the media inside our homes.

If you took the time to see, to really look around, you'd know how ridiculous that this all seems to be. You'd see how easy they control, how you ready we are to obey, we've all been trained for all our lives and never knew to step outside the lines. Step into the light, it's right outside that door. Look around where we are waiting for you to find your way.

When we unite and hold on tight and watch them run away, we'll be free to knock down all the borders, free to fly or soar or tred. When we decide to unite together black and white will be no more and we will have abundance and freedom and love to share.

We are not born this way. We were conditioned to hate. Let it go, don't rely on the message in the screen. The lies don't matter anyway. Step outside into the light, unite for a better day.


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