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Seven Types of Narcissists

And how to spot each?

By Ha Le SaPublished 11 days ago 5 min read
Seven Types of Narcissists
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

People who suffer from narcissism have an excessively inflated feeling of their self-importance. They want to become the favorite of everyone around them and sometimes do weird things to fulfill their inner demands for attention. A narcissist is someone who acts rudely, aggressively, and self-absorbed. Individuals suffering from NPD usually consider themselves to be the most significant person present in the room. They put their ideals ahead of everyone else's, though this is only valid if you are studying the typical traits of the narcissistic personality. There are other types of narcissists besides the common overt and covert ones.

Different types of narcissists out there are as follows:

Classic overt narcissist

The overt narcissist is one of the classic types of narcissists. Classic overt narcissist are those who believe in their superiority. They constantly brag about everything. Narcissists are self-centered, so they always talk about themselves. Narcissists are arrogant and conceited. They consider they are unique and have no empathy for other people. Narcissists always try to take advantage of others without any shame. They have massive egos and do not often have two-way relationship-type thinking. Typically, that is all they are concerned with what they want.

Covert narcissist

Phrases like "vulnerable narcissist" or "closet narcissist" are also used to characterize the covert narcissist. The individuals having covert narcissism make sure that no one can get about their narcissistic personality. They portray themselves as either a victim or a martyr. They suppose themselves better than others, much like overt narcissists, but their expertise is not given enough credit. The overt narcissist will tell you to your face how insignificant you are and how fabulous they are; the covert narcissist will do this in a sneaky, secretive, passive-aggressive way because they feel slighted by life and are typically very passive-aggressive in their attempts to degrade other people.

Malignant narcissist

A malignant narcissist has a dark anti-social personality with four distinctive parts to the personality:

  • People with NPD assume their values and self-esteem depending on how other people see them due to their personality disorder. They enjoy being greatly acknowledged and want to be loved and respected for their efforts.
  • They may be excessively envious of other people or believe others are envious of them. People with NPD experience imposter syndrome more frequently, so they respond unkindly to criticism.
  • Narcissistic personalities are characterized by doing emotional abuse and having lack of empathy, regret, remorse, and shame about one's actions.
  • Machiavellianism is a personality disorder that includes manipulation and a focus on personal gain.

These people are violent and cruel and have no problem with imposing a disadvantage on others to achieve their goals.

Communal narcissist

Someone who gets their sense of worth from other people's affection and respect is known as a communal narcissist. For them to feel accepted is a necessity; they require constant praise, admiration, or attention. No matter if they are naturally helpful individuals, they portray themselves as superhuman by talking about the amount they donate to charities. By boasting about their praiseworthy deeds, they try to justify their sense of superiority over the rest of humanity; moreover, they ask for in return acknowledgment and appreciation. They use their admirable actions as a cover to play the narcissistic supply game. They try to make others believe their lives are significant, whereas yours are superficial and petty. If a communal narcissist is often bragging about themselves or their achievements, they may be taking advantage of you for affirmation and attention.

Communal narcissists believe they are on a mission to improve the world, but nothing they do in private; instead, they advertise it, post it on social media, and tell anybody who will listen. These people do not care about the people they aid; instead, they are harsh and abusive to their spouses and families at home.

Somatic narcissist

A somatic narcissist is primarily obsessed with their physical appearance. The word "soma" means "body" in Greek, and the term is used as somatic narcissists tend to be obsessive about their looks and have a strong need for attention based on it. They are the ones who constantly flex their muscles, bragging about their physical strengths and boasting about how attractive they seem with all that.

Inverted narcissist

The "codependent narcissist" or "mirror narcissus" are other names for the inverted narcissist. This person relies only on a narcissist to feel superior and receive a narcissistic supply. They have a dependence on another narcissist, so a relationship with a narcissist determines their worth and value. Without the feeling of abuse they may endure, they are desperate to be in a relationship with a narcissist. An inverted narcissist feels empty and unworthy and is dissatisfied unless they are in a relationship with a narcissist.

Cerebral narcissist

Because they consider themselves to be intellectual genii, cerebral narcissist derives their narcissistic supply from their superior intellectual superiority. They use different phrases and languages to demonstrate that they are more competent than others, graduated from college, and you must be aware of all the honors they received. They ignore the intellectual abilities of others and see them as inferior to their own because they do not want anyone to think they are less than intelligent.

Disclaimer: The story has already been published on other platforms.

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Ha Le Sa

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