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Seven Reasons Why A Girl is The Best Human You Can Have As a Friend

The Best Human You Can Have As a Friend

By RONO SARKARPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Seven Reasons Why A Girl is The Best Human You Can Have As a Friend
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

Seven Reasons Why A Girl is The Best Human You Can Have As a Friend

By saeed karimi on Unsplash

Introduction :

When it comes to the people you spend your time with, it's important to have good company. You know that person will be there for you when you need someone to talk to, or even just when you need some company.

It's also important for girls to have friends since we're so often expected to act tough and independent all the time, being able to call on a girl friend when we need to let our hair down is really helpful. Here are seven reasons why girls make the best human friends:

In a world where you are always judged by the company you keep, having a girl as your best friend can be an amazing thing. You don't have to worry about what they wear, how they look, or what they say.

You're comfortable around them and can just be yourself. In this article, we're going to focus on why it's important for girls to have each other as their best friends and the ways that this relationship should be different from the one with boys.

The Importance of Having Girl as Your Best Friend

In a world where you are always judged by the company you keep, having a girl as your best friend can be an amazing thing. You don't have to worry about what they wear, how they look, or what they say. You're comfortable around them and can just be yourself. In this article, we're going to focus on why it's important for girls to have each other as their best friends and the ways that this relationship should be different from the one with boys.

Why it's important for girls to have each other as their best friends

Girls need to unapologetically support and empower each other. There is nothing worse than being in a toxic relationship with someone that you care deeply about. A girl’s best friend should be their rock, their support system, the person they can turn to no matter what. It's important for girls to have each other as their best friends because when they are in a toxic relationship with another girl, it can be detrimental to their mental well-being. Girls should feel safe and secure around each other without judgment or without having to worry about someone else's opinion of them.

How this relationship differs from a guy-girl friendship

By Chris Hardy on Unsplash

When you're friends with a guy, it's no secret that they see you as competition. You'll go out for drinks, and he will try to flirt with the girl next to you. Or, the next day, he'll try to tell a story or joke that is funny but makes you look bad. Guys and girls always want what they can't have, and if they think you're better than them in any way, they'll start trying to bring you down. So how does this differ from a girl-girl friendship?

Girls are more honest with each other and don't compete for the same thing. We are our own worst critics and never want to look bad in front of one another. We always want the best for each other, not just when it comes to work, but also when it comes to personal lives. This is why it's important for girls to have each other as their best friends because we can be completely honest with one another without worrying about what we say hurting one another's feelings or making them feel bad about themselves.

The importance of being their braver selves

This is also why girls will say things to one another that they would never say to a boy. Girls are able to tell their best friends everything, from what happened with their crush or how angry they are about something. You can really be yourself around your female best friend and not have to worry about being judged for it.

Being the only girl in a group of guys might be fun, but it's important to have another girl in your life too. They know what you're going through and understand things you can't express. Plus, they're always there when you need them.

While this relationship should be different from the one with boys, it shouldn't be any less special. It's just as important to have a girl in your life as it is to have a guy friend because they know all of the same things about you and accept you for who you are. As long as both relationships are healthy, then there's nothing wrong with them.

Why it's so important for girls to be there for one another

We all know how hard it is to survive in this world as a woman. We need other girls to help us through the tough times and be there for us when we are sad, hurt, or embarrassed. Girls should be each other's best friends because they get things that boys won't understand, and they can relate to one another on a different level.

Girl power is important because girls are the ones who keep themselves together and make sure everything is going okay. They're loyal to each other and will do anything to make sure their friend is happy. And while some guys may think they're being supportive by telling you what you should wear or how you should look, girls also know that sometimes it's just nice to have someone tell you that it's okay not to be perfect all the time.

Girls need each other's support because society puts so much pressure on them. Girls are always on a never-ending quest for perfection, but no one ever seems to win that game. Everyone has flaws and imperfections, and no matter who you are, having girl friends who understand what you're going through will make your life so much easier.


Our relationships with girls are so important. It's all too easy to lose touch with one another when we grow up, but it's important to stay in contact with our girl friends, especially when we're going through really hard times.

They're the only ones who will understand what we're going through and will be there for us. They'll be there to listen to our worries, our stresses, and our confessions. Likewise, they'll be there to support us, and they'll be there to help us stay strong.

Feminism is about female empowerment, and girlfriends are a huge part of that. Girls should be there for each other, as much as possible.


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