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Self awareness is a skill as well that needs to be developed

Importance of self awareness

By Chelsea NwoyePublished 11 months ago β€’ 3 min read

A crucial component of personal development and growth is self-awareness. It is the capacity to discern and comprehend our attitudes, feelings, and actions and how they affect both our own lives and those of those around us. Finding the time and space to reflect on our inner selves can be difficult in a world that is frequently fast-paced and demanding. However, gaining self-awareness is crucial for leading a happy and meaningful life.

One of the main advantages of self-awareness is that it enables us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses and work on them appropriately. We can capitalize on our strengths, develop our skills, and go after opportunities that fit with our interests and goals by being aware of our strengths. Similar to this, by being aware of our limitations, we can spot areas where we need to improve and look for help or resources to get past them.

Being more mindful of our thoughts and feelings is another benefit of self-awareness. In today's world, things like social media, work, and interpersonal interactions frequently serve as distractions. Self-awareness is a skill that can help us become more at peace with ourselves and more mindful of our surroundings by teaching us to observe our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations objectively.

The promotion of healthy relationships is an additional important benefit of self-awareness. Our ability to effectively communicate with others depends on our ability to comprehend our own needs, emotions, and behaviors. This then makes it possible for us to develop stronger, more satisfying connections and relationships. Additionally, by acknowledging our own biases and prejudices, we can grow in empathy and compassion for others, promoting more inclusive and empowering relationships.

It takes dedication and constant practice to develop self-awareness. Here are some pointers to help you develop self-awareness:.

πŸ‘‰ 1. Take some time to reflect. Whether daily, weekly, or monthly, set aside regular times for introspection. Ask yourself questions about your feelings, behaviors, and thoughts during this time to try to understand how they relate to your life and the people around you.

πŸ‘‰ 2. Request feedback. Confidential people should be asked for their opinions on your strengths, weaknesses, and how you come across. While initially difficult, constructive criticism can offer insightful advice and aid in your professional and personal development.

πŸ‘‰ 3.

Apply mindfulness.

You can increase your self-awareness by tuning into your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with the help of mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga.

πŸ‘‰ 4. Publish entries in a journal. You can better understand your emotional reactions to various situations and process your thoughts and experiences by writing them down.

πŸ‘‰ 5. Take a curious approach. Ask questions, seek to understand the world and those around you, and approach life with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. You may gain new insights and a deeper comprehension of both yourself and other people as a result of this.

There are two types of self awareness namely; internal and external self awareness.

-Internal Self awareness Being in tune with our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is a crucial part of internal self-awareness. It involves being conscious of our motivations, values, and triggers. It involves comprehending how we respond to stress, what makes us happy, and what our strengths and weaknesses are. We can better manage our lives when we have this kind of self-awareness.

-External Self awareness

Understanding how other people perceive us is the goal of external self-awareness. It involves being conscious of how we affect those around us.Being able to see ourselves from others' perspectives and being aware of how our words and deeds affect others are key components of this. Both our personal and professional relationships depend on this kind of self-awareness.

Internal self-awareness is frequently regarded as the basis for external self-awareness, despite the fact that both kinds of self-awareness are significant. The reason for this is that it can be challenging to comprehend how we are affecting those around us if we don't understand ourselves.

In conclusion, self-awareness is essential for developing personally, forming loving relationships, and leading a happy life. We can recognize our strengths and weaknesses, increase our awareness of our thoughts and emotions, improve our communication skills, and forge deeper relationships with others by becoming more self-aware. Although developing self-awareness can be difficult, the rewards are well worth the effort.


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    CNWritten by Chelsea Nwoye

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