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Scotch, New York

Everything’s fun, Good or Bad

By JahSmoovPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Scotch, New York
Photo by Adam Whitlock on Unsplash

This video was taken about 3 minutes away from where I reside. I am from Scotchtown, New York and I am a 22year old recording artist, ex ball player, current barber, and citizen of the United States. How I speak may be different. How we move may be different. When you grow up in this town, none of that matters anymore. It is a quiet town where you are to make the best of whatever situation you are in. Cant u say that about every place? Well heres the thing, Im not from every place. Im from Scotch. Yes I was born elsewhere but the knowledge I walk with today is from growing up in this area. It is impossible to claim more than one place in my situation. Regardless, The freedom of Scotch is in abundance but for some reason we all sit on the hidden treasures we possess; even if they are at the tip of our fingers. This video expresses where their mind is at. As you read more you’ll begin to understand too. I don’t recognize the people in the video ,no. I am sure we have crossed paths though. Everything in Scotch is about 3-7 minutes away from each other. It only takes minutes to link: lego bricks. In this town there is good, bad, and in between.

In this town there is no limit. Why do we limit ourselves? In this town if you are good, you are good. In other towns if you are bad, you are great. Here is where the “in between” falls into place. In this town, here, where I reside, We do not care how good or bad you can be. We are prepared for whatever is headed our way. We have a choice here, to be good or bad with the known consequences and rewards of our decisions. There is no fear here. We are lazy yes. Too lazy. Me as well, I have gotten lazy. That is why we are in between what is going on. Even with the choices to choose from we pick ourselves.

Lets talk about it. With all the choices to choose from, we choose ourselves. What do I mean? Its difficult to pick out of two options when you know there are many many more that are not being offered. Good and Bad is a simplified version of Did you listen to what they told you to do? Or did you make your own decision by sifting through your thoughts and feelings based on how life has been treating you? Good or bad. Hey welcome to the town of Scotchtown, Middletown, New York. The only place where you can understand the message I speak without hearing it from me first. The only place where there is an in between by choice. We are currently living under Corona Rules, and quarantine as we take precautionary measures for our own health and safety. Im sure some of you are too. What do you guys do when the fun things are stripped away from the community? Welp in this town under these conditions, we tend to do some introspection. Look at our closet, look at whats at the tip of our fingers, create our own entertainment. Thats Scotch, New York at its finest. We have no limits here. Take a look at the first picture. People have been investing their time into their creative freedom. Perfecting their craft. Lazy is okay when you work hard in silence. That is Scotch. They say dont judge a book by its cover. When you come visit my town, you should think it through because it is a small town. We just want to make it out. I want to make it out. Everything we do, say, act upon, is all for the soul purpose of expanding our creative freedom. We have grown accustomed to the dull silence. The sudden sparks of violence. The underlying meaning of life is within ourselves and I believe this is the first town who will display that to the world on a major scale of attention. This is how we should be living. No not “in between”. We should be living to improve ourselves in whatever way we feel. Energy is real. I release a very strong sense of energy that is undeniable. Wheather I am happy, sad, excited, or bord - my energy flows through me and you just as blood does. The life we live is in the blood. I dont share my blood with anyone. I have blood relatives which is why family is first. But otherwise the blood I have catered to for 22 years is soley mine. I have duties and responsibilites that I owe to myself to take care of and handle all business efficiently. This is what my blood is telling me. I understand in America we have laws that restrict us from certain things and are made for us to follow otherwise we must face the consequences of disobedience. Wait, if I do not listen to another man who bleeds like me.. he can make me pay him my hard earned money? Or worst? Prison or jail? Okay so man is God now? No, man is selfish. Man is man. I am man. Do we get it yet? Well in my town, Scotchtown, New York, we understand how another man lies. We have grown up in close proximatey with great social distances between us. We shared personal stories to impress others until we realized how another man lies. We have been - well, I have been decieved many times and Im sure more will try in the future as well. Life has not been fair but I learned that I dont want fair. I want what I want for me and mines. I want to do what I have to do because that will give me the courage and peace of mind to do what I want to do.

I am from Scotch. Everything I do is because I learned to look in before looking out. Good or bad is based off of someone elses opinion. Man. And for that very reason, I am ignoring you. I am learning from you. And I am continuing my personal missions with the intent to search, kill, and destroy any obstacles on my humble path to happiness. I deserve that. You too. My town has showed me how to manuever in a city while en route to control the state. Dramatic? Yeah only cuz it hasnt happened yet.

Welcome to our town, where good or bad is just for your courtesy. Scotchtown, New York.


About the Creator


You have two ears and one mouth, which means u should listen twice as much as u speak

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