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Saturn Retrograde

a' la cafe'

By Xarli XCosmoPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Saturn Retrograde
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

“That’s a strange sign to hang on the door of a restaurant.” Thomas said, stopping just before he reached the curb.

Trina skipped over the sidewalk and to the door and snickering, “It’s Edgar Allen Poe. Never heard of him?”

“Of course I’ve heard of him, but it’s still strange to have his quote on the door of a restaurant.”

“Well, it’s a diner and it’s open 24 hours, which makes that quote clever af and my aunt says that they have the best cheeseburgers in all of Elmira. And you wanted cheeseburgers, so we’re here!” Trina motioned at Saturania’s 24 hour diner.

“I’m gonna have a smoke.” He pulled out his cigarettes and lit one.

“Okay, well, I’ll go in and order and we can talk about Cindy’s birthday party in Cabo this weekend."

“Sounds great, babe. I want extra bacon on mine.” He took a long drag.

“Ooh that sounds good. I think I’m getting the same thing.” Trina went inside.

His cigarette was already at the filter, he lit another and took a long drag, observing the sky as it darkened. For a moment, he thought it seemed as it were on fast forward; rushing towards the end of the night. The moon approaching fast.

The cigarette was gone again as though it were made out of ashes. Thomas checked the time: 6:30pm. He lit another.

The sun had fully set behind the diner.

“I guess that is kind of clever” Reconsidering the quote as he went inside.

‘Sleep, those little slices of death; Oh how I loathe them.’

A big dial clock hang over the red brick oven directly in front of the door. 4:27 Los Angeles.

Fresh baked bread pumped out of the oven rapidly and into the kitchen.

The rest of the room was painted a soft grey, even the floors and tables. Eight other clocks lined the walls with different times. The one right above Trina read 7:29 Elmira, New York.

Thomas looked at his watch again, it said 7:30.

That was weird- he could have sworn it said 6:30. Maybe the clocks were off… maybe he was off.

He observed; the diner was nearly empty. There were 9 people there including him. The diners in the corner looked up at him and watched him as though he were more interesting than the food they were eating- though they kept eating. His stomach dropped. He snickered; for a moment it felt as though they were eating him.

Everyone was eating cheeseburgers with so much cheese that it dripped off of the burgers with every greasy, hungry bite. He recognized his old boss sitting at the window booth with her husband, separate, but together. Too far to communicate, but still at the same, oddly long booth. She didn’t look up from her burger. He didn’t say hi.

“Babe! You made it, I thought I left you at home for a moment.” Trina giggled, tucking her curly blond hair behind her ear. She already had two plates in front of her and was in the process of eating a burger. She was on the last bites.

“Did you eat my burger?”

“It was so good.”

“Hello,” A tall black woman appeared out of nowhere.

He wanted to stand up. He didn’t stand up. He looked away. He looked at Trina, who was staring up at her with an admiring smile on her face.

“Welcome to Saturania diner. My name is Menina. I’ll be your host this evening, would you like to start your stay with the Saturn retrograde tea ala chef Antania?”

He nodded.

Menina looked at him and he looked up at her. She was really pretty, with the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen. She had a tint of red in her dark brown eyes.

“Okay, and it sounds like you’d also like the cheeseburger deluxe meals? Extra pickles and bacon and a side of coleslaw?” She asked.

“That sounds great, babe, what do you think?” Trina looked at Thomas, who was in just as much wonder as she was, but for different reasons. He nodded, still looking at, Menina.

“Is that all for you?” Menina looked at him. He nodded his head again.

Menina smiled and walked away.

Trina picked up her phone and took a selfie, leaning into him for a kiss.

“That’s so cute. Let’s take another one.”

They took eight more pictures. By the time they were finished, Menina was back with their food.

“Wow, this looks really good.” He said. Menina smiled.

It smelled even better. Like sweet roses and red onions. It tasted even better, like buttery, sweet, garlic with a hint of… lime and corn? It was weird. It was so good.

He felt strange for liking it, but he loved it.

He savored every bite. He tasted every one intimately. Just him and the soft, buttery bun.

It was over too soon.

“Chef Antania would like to know if everything was to your liking?” Menina smiled at him. The clock read 9:42.

What time had he gotten there? He wanted another cheeseburger.

“Yes it was amazing. Can I please have another?”

“I’ll have another one too.”

Thomas looked surprised to see Trina sitting across from him. Had she been staring at him with that insane look of admiration the whole time?

“Not a problem, I’ll refill your drinks as well.” Menina took their glasses and went back to the kitchen. The clock read 9:56.

Thomas looked down, he hadn’t even noticed that his drink was gone. The taste of roses danced on his tongue. The signature of chef Antania.

“Excellent. Thank you.” He stared at her beautiful brown red eyes. He loved her. “Can I have another?”

Time passed as though it weren’t even there at all. When she came back it was as though she’d never left at all. He blinked. Menina was there. It was 12:30. What time had he gotten there?

“I’ll have another.”


About the Creator

Xarli XCosmo

Xarli has been writing since she was 7 years old, creating unique settings and characters in her head to make up for the lack of diversity she encountered in the hood as seen from her window. High imagination and impossible scenarios showup

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    XXWritten by Xarli XCosmo

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