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Reducing Harm Caused by Drugs

A Story from Thailand

By Muazzam shahzadPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Reducing Harm Caused by Drugs


In Thailand, a man named Watcharapol Mahaprom, also known as Paan shares his experience of reducing the harm caused by crystal methamphetamine, commonly known as "ice." Through a program supported by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Thailand, Watcharapol has found support and guidance at a clinic run by the UNODC-supported non-governmental organization, Ozone. As we approach the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Watcharapol's story sheds light on the importance of harm reduction services and the need to address the health and social impacts of drug use.

A Challenging Journey:

Reducing Harm Caused by Drugs

Watcharapol's journey with drugs began during his university years when he was introduced to crystal meth. He initially experienced confusion and discomfort, unaware of the effects on his body. As his drug use progressed, he found temporary happiness and emotional amplification while using ice. However, the drug also intensified his feelings of despair once its effects wore off. During this time, Watcharapol shared his struggles with his mother, who provided support, and friends who offered their help.

Seeking Support:

Watcharapol discovered that he had contracted hepatitis C, a bloodborne virus often associated with sharing needles or drug paraphernalia. Facing judgment and blame from the mainstream hospital system, he sought support and treatment at Ozone. At Ozone, he found a non-judgmental and caring environment where he could openly discuss his drug use and receive personalized care. Regular screenings for hepatitis C and HIV, as well as access to PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a medication that reduces the risk of contracting HIV, have provided Watcharapol with a sense of security and control over his health.

A Personal Journey of Empowerment:

Reducing Harm Caused by Drugs

Despite the challenges, Watcharapol maintains his sense of agency and control over his drug use. While acknowledging the allure and occasional boredom that leads him to consider crystal meth, he believes he can maintain controlled usage every three to four months. His determination to be the last person in his family to pass away fuels his motivation to take care of himself and satisfy his needs. He emphasizes the importance of self-love and doing what makes oneself feel good, offering advice to others in similar situations.

The Role of Harm Reduction Services:

Watcharapol's experience highlights the significance of harm reduction services, which aim to prevent the health and social consequences of drug use. Organizations like Ozone provide a safe and supportive space where individuals can access vital healthcare services without judgment. Such services include regular health screenings, education, counseling, and support networks. By focusing on individuals' needs and providing non-stigmatizing care, harm reduction programs empower drug users to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.


Watcharapol's story sheds light on the importance of harm reduction programs and the need to support individuals who use drugs. Through organizations like Ozone, individuals can access crucial services, receive personalized care, and find a sense of acceptance and empowerment. Watcharapol's journey reminds us of the significance of non-judgmental support, self-love, and the ongoing efforts required to address the challenges associated with drug use. As we commemorate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, it is crucial to continue promoting harm reduction strategies and advocating for compassionate approaches to drug policy and healthcare. By reducing harm and supporting individuals, we can strive toward a healthier and more inclusive society for all.


About the Creator

Muazzam shahzad

I am a prolific writer and passionate blogger, consistently delivering compelling content that captivates readers and resonates with a wide audience.

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