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Questions No One Knows the Answers to

Questions No One Knows the Answers to

By MOSTAFA SALMANPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

On a regular school day, students spend a lot of time learning answers to questions. But today, we're going to do something different. We'll focus on questions that have no known answers because they are mysteries. When I was a young boy, I used to wonder about many things, like what it's like to be a dog, whether fish and insects feel pain, and if the Big Bang was just a random event. I also pondered the existence of God, and if there is a God, why do we assume it's a He and not a She? I questioned why innocent people and animals suffer, whether there's a plan for my life, and if the future is predetermined or uncertain. I even questioned if I have free will and if I'm just a biological machine. But then, I wondered why I am conscious and what consciousness is. I also wondered if robots could become conscious.

I used to think that someday I'd have answers to all these questions because someone must know, right? Well, guess what? No one knows. Most of these questions puzzle me more now than ever. However, delving into these questions is exciting because it takes you to the edge of what we know, and you never know what you might discover there. So, there are two questions that no one on Earth knows the answer to.

Now, let's think about the vastness of the universe. The Earth seems huge, but the Sun, which we see every day, can fit a million Earths inside it. There are about 400 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and there may be 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Imagine if each star were as small as a grain of sand; the Milky Way alone would have enough stars to fill a beach that stretches for miles. But some physicists believe in an even bigger reality, with countless other universes in multiple dimensions, each with different properties and particles. The leading version of string theory suggests there could be 10 to the power of 500 universes, a number so vast it's mind-boggling.

Some scientists even think that space-time is infinite and contains an endless number of pocket universes with varying properties. This concept is challenging to grasp. Quantum theory further complicates things, suggesting that numerous parallel universes are constantly forming. This means there might be countless copies of you in different universes. So, we don't have a clear answer to the question of how many universes exist, and some even say there's only one, or our universe might be an illusion.

As you can see, there's no consensus on this question, and we only know the answer is somewhere between zero and infinity. This is an exciting time to study physics, as we might be on the verge of a major shift in our understanding of the universe.

Now, let's consider the question of why we haven't found evidence of alien life. With the vast number of planets in the universe, it seems likely that there should be many other life forms out there. However, we haven't seen any clear signs of extraterrestrial life. There are various possible explanations, ranging from superintelligent civilizations keeping silent to the rarity of intelligent life in the universe. It's also possible that we're not looking in the right way or at the right scale. There are many hopeful possibilities, and ongoing research is aiming to uncover the truth.

In the next 15 years, we might gather more information about planets that could support life. SETI is involving the public in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and scientists are working on creating life from scratch. All of this will help us determine whether we're alone in the universe or not. Regardless of the answer, our curiosity and the questions we ask about the universe are remarkable. The quest for knowledge is an exciting and never-ending journey. So, stay curious!

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