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What are those floaty things in your eye?

What are those floaty things in your eye?

By MOSTAFA SALMANPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Have you ever seen something moving around in your vision, like a small worm or a see-through blob? When you try to get a closer look, it vanishes and then reappears when you shift your gaze. Don't worry, it's not a bug or anything outside your eye; it's something called a "floater." These things are sometimes called Muscae volitantes, which means "flying flies" in Latin, but they aren't actually bugs. Floaters are tiny objects that make shadows on the back part of your eye called the retina.

They might be small bits of tissue, red blood cells, or protein clumps, and they float around in the gel-like liquid inside your eye. They seem to move and change shape because they're floating inside your eye, but they're not alive. Floaters are usually hard to see, but they become more noticeable when they get closer to your retina, like how a shadow gets sharper when you move your hand closer to a light. You'll see them best when you're looking at a bright, even surface, like a blank computer screen, snow, or a clear sky.

The brighter the light is, the smaller your pupil becomes, which makes floaters more visible. There's another visual thing that looks like floaters but is different. If you've ever seen tiny dots of light moving around when you look at a bright blue sky, that's called the "blue field entoptic phenomenon." These little moving dots are caused by white blood cells moving through the tiny blood vessels in your retina. They let blue light through and move in sync with your pulse. Sometimes, you might see a dark tail behind them, which is red blood cells piling up.

Most people experience these things in their vision, but the number and type can be different for everyone. Floaters are usually not a big deal, and our brains learn to ignore them. However, if you have a lot of big floaters that block your vision, it could be a sign of a more serious eye problem that needs medical attention. In the end, these visual experiences remind us that what we see depends on both our biology and our minds, not just the outside world.

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