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Power in Words

I strive to be a light in an ever darkening world.

By Celestia MorellePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

There is power in words. I’m sure someone has heard the phrase before, or at least something similar. Despite growing up hearing ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’ I’ve come to learn this statement is a blatant lie. So it goes to show that a book, made up of thousands or hundreds of thousands of words, holds more power than people assume. Most people make New Year resolutions to sleep better or work out more, or maybe bolster their savings. I signed up for volunteer work.

The last two years have been filled with changes, sadness, and the constant fight against existential dread. I know I’m not alone, but I wanted this year to be different. I haven’t lived through multiple tornadoes, floods, and riots, to just keep on the way I had been. No, this year I decided to take steps to do what I can. I started by buying more handmade things off Etsy to support small businesses. Then I thought about how I could help the community. I considered many options like volunteering at an animal shelter, or maybe with kids, but the organization that stuck out to me the most was Book’em.

I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl, and practically own a small library myself. I wanted to see about helping children, while also being around more of what makes me happy. This is why I think Book’em is simply amazing. Their vision is to ensure a ‘future in Nashville where all children own books and know first-hand the joy and value of reading.’ I was eager to sign up. They do different programs where you read to young kids, and they donate over a hundred thousand books to little ones in need annually.

Books have gotten me through tough times. I have memories of being read to by a parent who is no longer here. I can remember getting read to in so many of my classes growin up, that books are just a large part of my life now. My memories, coupled with the feelings I get when I buy or am gifted a new book, are unrivaled. Being lost in a story that I know someone put their heart and soul into, reminds me that humans are extraordinary. They can create entire worlds with the power of words and why wouldn’t I want to share that with the upcoming generations. Books can shape a person because I know they shaped me.

Unfortunately, the response to my original sign-up forms got lost in my spam folder, so I reached out this morning to see if I can still help. My word of advice, if you sign up please check your spam folder! I look forward to the day I can be of assistance to them in any capacity. Until then I’ve found myself always rounding up to donate if where I’m shopping offers it. Even if it’s pennies, I want to constantly try to keep moving forward. There are so many opportunities to help your community, or even your friends, if you’re open to looking for them. Sometimes an extended hand is all people need, or a surprise free coffee.

This is a world built around money, but if I can give my time, or my spare change, its still help. Brightening someone’s day, especially a child’s is priceless. No matter how small any effort is effort, and that’s valid. I want to be a person my future kids will be proud of, but also be someone who takes care of myself. By finding an organization like Book’em, I can try to be both. With my pocket change, or with words, I’ll continue to fight against this world's negativity so those that come after us, will know it in a better light.


About the Creator

Celestia Morelle

When I write, I connect with a part of me that otherwise doesn’t exist. She’s a flame that I spend hundreds of thousands of words trying to grasp. I hope you feel her too when you’re reading. I turn the sirens voice into art, for she is me.

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