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Past Life

Past Life

By Muhammad AamirPublished 11 months ago 3 min read


Transporting my mind back in time, I find myself traversing the vast desert landscapes of ancient Egypt. As the scorching sun casts its golden glow upon the pyramids and the mighty Nile River meanders through the fertile lands, I embark on a journey to explore my alternate occupation in this magnificent era. I am drawn to the hallowed halls of knowledge, where history is carved in hieroglyphs and secrets are whispered through the papyrus scrolls. It is within these ancient walls that I discover my true calling: to be a scribe—a storyteller and preserver of wisdom.

The Role of the Scribe:

In ancient Egypt, the scribe held a position of great importance and reverence. They were the guardians of knowledge, entrusted with the vital task of recording and transcribing everything from administrative documents to religious texts. With their quill in hand and an attentive eye, scribes meticulously chronicled the daily lives of pharaohs, religious rituals, and epic tales that would transcend time.

The Training and Apprenticeship:

To become a scribe, I would need to undergo rigorous training and education. In my alternate life, I envision myself as a young apprentice, eager to soak up the wisdom of the ancient world. Under the tutelage of a master scribe, I would learn the intricate art of hieroglyphic writing, starting with simple pictorial symbols and gradually progressing to the complex signs that represented sounds, ideas, and concepts.

My days would be filled with deciphering ancient texts, practicing calligraphy on papyrus scrolls, and memorizing the sacred rituals that surrounded the written word. I would be taught the importance of precision, as even the slightest error could alter the meaning of a text. Patience and discipline would become my constant companions, as the mastery of this art required unwavering dedication.

The Life of a Scribe:

Once trained, my occupation as a scribe would open a world of possibilities. I would find myself working within the grand libraries of temples or serving in the royal court. Amid the flickering light of oil lamps and the scent of incense, I would immerse myself in the ancient wisdom contained within the scrolls and tablets.

One of my most significant responsibilities would be transcribing religious texts, breathing life into the ancient gods and their mythical tales. I would witness the pharaohs' grand ceremonies and meticulously record the offerings and prayers made to the deities. Through my words, the rituals and beliefs of this vibrant civilization would be preserved for generations to come.

In addition to my religious duties, I would also be involved in administrative tasks, maintaining records of taxation, land distribution, and legal proceedings. As a scribe, I would act as the bridge between the common people and the ruling class, ensuring that justice and order prevailed throughout the kingdom.

The Impact and Legacy:

The role of a scribe in ancient Egypt extended beyond mere record-keeping. Scribes possessed a profound influence on society, shaping the cultural, political, and religious landscapes. They were not only writers but also advisors to pharaohs and priests, their words carrying great weight.

Through my occupation, I would have the power to inspire, educate, and influence. I would weave tales of heroism and virtue, composing epic poems that celebrated the victories of great pharaohs and the bravery of warriors. My words would preserve the wisdom of the scholars and philosophers, guiding future generations towards enlightenment.


As I journey through the corridors of time, embracing my alternate occupation as an ancient Egyptian scribe, I am captivated by the enchantment of this era. The pursuit of knowledge, the reverence for the written word, and the opportunity to shape the historical.


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