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Not So Jedi Purchase

Come over to the dark side...

By Melissa Bezborotko Published 3 years ago 3 min read

2020 was already a different kind of year for everyone. I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why! So, if you're like me you wanted to keep your shopping in the malls limited over the holidays. I swear I spent more time on social media in 2020 just looking at ads. In November and December, I bought every Christmas gift off either Facebook or Instagram. I purchased a light-up piano for my autistic daughter, I purchased my oldest daughter a crown ring, I purchased my brother-in-law a small projector to watch Netflix on in his room, I even purchased a star in the sky for my stepdaughter, and many more cool items. I felt pretty good about my purchases. They all even arrived on time. Except one! It was a duel lightsaber from Star Wars. The video and pictures for this item were epic! Here let me show you...

I was excited about this purchase. It was for my Star Wars loving fiancé. He's mentioned since we met how he would love a lightsaber. I was going to be the fiancé of the year. I waited, and waited, and waited. Christmas was in two days and no lightsaber. It has been three weeks since I purchased it. Feeling pretty devastated, I had to tell my fiancé that his gift did not arrive in time. I ended up getting him a new gym bag from a local supplement store last minute. How boring compared to the gift I was waiting for.

After Christmas, the lightsaber finally arrived. I felt so relieved because you hear stories about being stooped by some of these companies. I ripped open the box to find this plastic, dollar-store-looking piece of crap!

Now, I paid $60 for his duel lightsaber to see a toy I'd spend $4 on at a toy store. I didn't even want to give him this, but I already had texted him that his true Christmas gift has arrived. I still wrapped the lightsaber and gave it to him after work that day. To my surprise, he said, "Cool, a duel lightsaber!" He even went into our junk drawer for batteries. He just had to play with it now. Once the batteries were safely in, he flicks the handle, and these plastic pieces elongate to light up the sword on both ends. He pretends to be a Jedi with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, I'm sitting at the dining room table still in shock that he is enjoying this very disappointing knock-off. It has been three months and he still has this duel lightsaber displayed in our living room. To me, it is a failed purchase, but to him, it is a cool dual lightsaber.

Has this purchase pushed me away from ordering merchandise off Facebook and Instagram? Nope! Because I still get ads for some pretty unique stuff. I have even switched my cat's litter to Pretty Litter. Thanks to Facebook ads my kitty gives me extra cuddles because his litter is now up to his standards. I've also recently purchased a nurse pin for my oldest daughter's birthday for her scrubs off social media ads.

Now that Mother's Day is around the corner I'm excited to see what else I can buy off Social Media ads. Crazy enough all I need to do is start talking about Mother's Day and all these ads will just appear. I can even go more specific and start to mention out loud something engraved for my mother. The secret social media fairies are always listening. I like to believe they are fairies.

So, let the scrolling begin and if you see something you like add it to your cart. Happy check out everyone!

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About the Creator

Melissa Bezborotko

I never know what to write here! I am a mother to two beautiful daughters. As my full-time job, I handle freight and logistics for an office supply company. I enjoy the gym as an outlet for life's stressors, I and I have my own radio show.

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