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Never Complain To Anybody

How embarrassed people are, they feel the need to have the same kind.

By wkerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Everyone goes through a dark and helpless time in their life.

Some people like to complain, but the more they talk about it, the more bitter they feel in their hearts.

Blindly complaining, is just using the sea to quench thirst, the more you drink, the more thirsty you get.

People who are really powerful know how to bear everything silently and digest their sufferings into motivation to move forward.

As a saying goes:

"There is no person in the world who is not hurt. No matter when, you must believe that the only one who can truly heal yourself is yourself."

When people are at a low point, it is the most rational choice to turn themselves into silent mode.

Never complain to anyone

Dazai Osamu said in "Disqualification in the Human World":

"I think it's futile to complain to others, it's better to suffer in silence."

The wound is not on others, others will never understand, that kind of heart-wrenching taste.

A netizen failed the postgraduate entrance examination twice, and repeatedly hit the wall when looking for a job.

Frustrated, he posted a question on Zhihu: "Life is at a low point, how can I get through it?"

The few messages below are particularly disturbing.

Someone said: "What a low point you are! I thought it was a sudden business failure, or a major accident, and the foreign debt was too much to end."

Others said: "This little setback is a low point for you? Then I can only say that your life is really smooth. No fuss."

It was already painful enough, but I didn't expect to summon the courage to ask for help, but in exchange for cynicism.

In real life, many people have had similar experiences.

I long for someone to understand our pain, help us heal the folds in our hearts, and lead us out of the dark.

But everyone is overwhelmed, and everyone has their own troubles.

No one else can solve your difficulties for you; no one else can empathize with your emotions.

Instead of relying on others to light a beam of light for you, it is better to carry the lamp yourself.

Writer Martin once said that every strong person has gritted his teeth and spent a period of time when no one helped, no one supported, and no one asked for help.

Really mature people have learned to swallow when they suffer, and bear when they are tired.

When you go through the wind and rain alone, across the thorns, you can usher in the sweetness of life.

The joys and sorrows of the world are never connected

everly is a 35-year-old single screenwriter.

Ten years ago, she just entered the industry and won an industry award with her debut novel.

In the first few years, Cheng Lu was invited to numerous celebrity gatherings and enjoyed the popularity of the crowd. But after the scenery, the low tide soon came.

Although Cheng Lu has written many new works, it has never been able to reach the heights of the year.

The peers who had been around her all the time and sought after, but at this time there was not even a word of comfort.

At an industry gathering, she even heard two former friends laughing at her behind her back, "Jiang Lang's talents are exhausted".

This made Cheng Lu, who was desperate, once wanted to quit the screenwriting industry.

There is a saying that goes well: "The joys and sorrows of the world are never connected, and the heart is cold and warm only by self-knowledge."

In the past, we always thought that life would have empathy:

When you are criticized by the leader and feel sad, you think you will be comforted by others;

When your salary is low and you can't pay the rent, you think you will get the landlord's understanding;

When you are in trouble at home and need help from others, you think you will get help from others.

Only later did I realize that all the blows and pains you have to bear in silence.

As Xin Yiwu said in "Mountain Moon I Don't Know What's in My Heart": "Our hearts, our flesh, grow on each of us, the ups and downs, the taste of our own, only we know."

When you have survived the hardships of life, you will understand that you are the best harbor.

The adult world: sorrow and joy, others are difficult to understand

I have heard a saying: "The silence of adults is not because they don't want to speak, but because no one understands what they say." ”

How painful a person's injury is, only he knows best.

There is no one in this world who is not suffering, and what can really heal us is our own courage and strength.

When you walk alone through that very difficult time and leap through the mountains and rivers of fate, you will find:

Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, as long as we keep walking, we will definitely usher in our own dawn.

As Tagore said:

"The sufferings you have suffered, the losses you have suffered, the responsibilities you have shouldered, and the pain you have endured will eventually become light and illuminate your path."

Behind many desirable lives, there are little-known hardships, and many people have walked alone in those bleak years.

Only by enduring the wind and frost and surviving the hardships will we meet a better self.

Writer Maugham said: "Each of us is a product of the loneliness of this planet, because we are all going through unique experiences. ”

It is precisely because of this uniqueness that it is determined that there is no empathy between people.

Therefore, some unspeakable grief can only be digested by one person; Some heart-wrenching nights can only be left alone.

When you quietly accumulate strength in the swamp, you can break through the siege in the midst of suffering.

May you, through all obstacles, be happy in the future.


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    wkerWritten by wker

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