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Mystery Zoom 101


By NikkiPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

This new year was off to a rough start.I discovered that I was not only suffering from PTSD but to add to that, vicarious trauma. The vicarious trauma was being brought on from the toxic environment at work. At my place of employment I witnessed a fellow coworker die on the premise, while I was on break. Not only that, his shrine was surrounding my desk. I had to relive the trauma from that night everyday. My therapist suggested that I take a medical leave. I had a gut feeling that was not going to be enough. I felt like I was putting a bandage on an open head wound. I was already having the conversation with my husband about quitting. His solution was to have me retire in the next 16 YEARS! That just didn’t seem realistic to me. So I decided that I would just quit altogether. I was already approaching 12 years with the company and I couldn’t see myself doing another 16 years on top of that. So the next day I quit and I experienced a rush of pure bliss. I was no longer chained to a company that was literally draining my life.

I thought that my husband would be happy that I decided to take that leap of faith. I was sadly mistaken by that thought. He said that it was a selfish decision to make and that the family was going to suffer because of it. I was in disbelief that my husband of 12 years was making me feel so low. I received farewell wishes from fellow coworkers and support from my extended family. I was just so lost to the idea of my husband not supporting me on this life changing decision. From that day on, he wanted to know what my plan would be and how I would continue to support the family. I hadn’t really thought that through but I am a resourceful person and believed that I could figure it out. I just needed time. So day in and day out, my husband would ask me what the plan was. He felt like I didn’t care and that the only reason I quit was to stay at home and do nothing. I thought that after 12 years, he knew that I wasn’t that type of person. He eventually started talking about divorce. Mind you this, I quit my job on February 11, 2021 and now my husband was talking about divorce on February 13. I just keep thinking what’s next.

On Valentines Day, I decided on focusing on saving my marriage than finding a way to make income. I sent him love quotes, our wedding vows, I even screenshot a picture of us at 3:19 which was our anniversary date. I decided to take a break from that and do some mindless scrolling on Instagram. As I was posting love stories in dedication to my husband, I received a DM. It was from someone I recently started following. The conversation starts off, “ Hey Queen! Question?” “Yes, Love?” She then sends me a voice recording. “ Hi Love, thank you for getting back to me, I want to introduce myself. My name is Deja Bloom and I came across your page and I am also a fellow poet.You just have this vibe where I am like, she is so beautiful, so nice, I love the message that you are putting across on your page. I also saw in your bio that you recognize yourself as an entrepreneur and I wanted to ask you. Do you feel like you are an open minded person when it comes to having an inquired amount of multiple streams of income?” I reply back, I would definitely agree to that. She sends another voice recording, “That’s amazing love! The reason I brought it up was because I personally began an opportunity where I literally was able to make an extra five streams of income. I have also been able to become financially free and work from home. I just wanted to pass the information about the opportunity along just because the information is free and I just wanted to spread the knowledge about what can be possible for people. So I wanted to know if that would be something you would be interested in listening to.” I replied, Yes! I would love to hear more . I feel like I was meant to hear your message. I’m going through crossroads in my life and your message sounds like it would definitely help me. She sends her final voice recording, “ Hey Love, thank you so much! I honestly am so blessed to hear you say that. Nobody has ever told me that before. So I am actually a little shook right now but I want to get you ahead with this information. I am going to send you the link right now.It is a zoom call that is starting right now. You don’t have to be on camera or speak. You just need to hear the information, so if you are available right now I can go ahead and send the link over right now. If you are not free, I can definitely send you a link for another time.” I reply back, let me make sure my kids are settled and I’ll be ready in a bit. She replies back, It starts at 3 so I definitely want you to have 100% of the information. I tell her, perfect, I am ready.

That’s when everything changed. She sent me the zoom meeting number and passcode. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I thought this would redeem myself with my husband. I get my small black notebook to start taking notes on this “amazing” opportunity. When I entered the call, I was blown away by the information. Deja was discussing the cryptocurrency market. She talked about how Bitcoin is the largest financial market out there. She went over how this market was open for 24 hours. She emphasised how easy it is to make money with the press of a button. She introduced what she called the Wealthy University.It is an investment group that teaches you how to get an 85% win rate. She said that it would only cost $100 to sign up. You would learn from the best on how to win in the cryptocurrency market on your own time. I was told that I had to sign up in the next 20 minutes or the offer would expire. I thought to myself is this too good to be true or was this just another scam to steal my information. I thought back to how hopeless my life was looking. I had decided to do another leap of faith. I messaged Deja letting her know that I was interested in this opportunity. She sent me the link to sign up for the Wealthy University. I transferred $200 into the account. I was set up with Matt Thayer and he told me to invest that into Stellar (XLM) which cost .3791 per share. The very next day, I checked my bank account and saw that I now had $20,000 pending. I couldn’t believe my eyes and I had knots in my stomach. I shared this information with my husband and he was over the moon with excitement. Then he started talking about how we should think bigger and invest more. Our marriage was salvage but now he expects me to risk more and earn more. I just think to myself is this really happily ever after.


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Sharing my gifts with the world. 💻

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    NikkiWritten by Nikki

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