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Never Be A Bystander.

By Linnet BrownPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Jonathan Kho on Unsplash

I was a student volunteer for a charity organization in South America. On my way to work one morning I saw a beggar sitting at the train station begging.

‘Such a kind face in ragged clothing and I wondered what had brought such a good looking person to that. I gave him nothing but looked to see who would be kind to him.

“Loose change please” he said to everyone passing,

“No, you shouldn’t have come to this”, said a well-dressed lady who hurried by.

“Hello, Madam ‘I said and caught up with the lady. Do you know this beggar,? I asked.

The lady’ stopped, frowned at me and asked,

“Why should you take an interest in people like this?, then hurried on.

“Please Madam, answer me, I pleaded.

“He is my nephew and he had ignored the good path because he did not listen to me” she said.

‘Madam what “path” in this diverse society on which anyone can rely.

The needy find themselves in difficulties, and their situations are getting worst every day.

“Please Mam” can you explain to me the reason why this kind looking person lives like a pig in a sty?’

“Miss, I have no time for you and him, look, my train is here, there is nothing more I have to say to you”, she said

“Mam you shouldn’t pass him by like this; it's not right’ I said. But then she

went into the train.

After that I decided to give the beggar a cup of tea, knowing that it be would be appreciated.

But when I turned around to speak with the beggar, to my

surprise he was not sitting there.

I searched the platform thoroughly, but it had been very clear that he had gone.

I was very sad and blamed myself for ignoring the homeless person in need, because I stood by and watched to see if other people would be kind to him.

That beggar in ragged dirty oversize clothes lingered with me for many days. “God please give me another chance to show him kindness” I prayed.

Whenever I went by that way, I searched the streets and train platform hoping to have another chance to show him kindness but was unsuccessful.

Desiring to meet the young beggar again I frequented the train station even on my days off but did not see him.

‘If I could see that beggar again, I would not miss, the opportunities to be kind to him’ I thought. Although I helped other homeless people I met that beggar in particular lingered in my mind.

Days turned into months and my visit had had ended and so was my last chance of seeing the homeless person again. Each time I thought of him my feeling of regret haunted me. I had given up all hope of ever meeting that particular beggar again.

But then on my way home to my country, as I was been driven to the airport I saw him begging at another location. When I saw him I was very excited. "Driver stop, stop, stop please" I shouted and he did.

I got out of the taxi, went over to him and greeted him with a shake of hands. I spoke briefly with him, gave some money and the address of the charity I had worked for him to go and find further help.

I was very happy for my last chance to help that homeless person and my mind felt at ease. From that experience I learned not to be a bystander where there is a need.

So my friends, there are needs all around us both here and abroad. Help those you see and donate to charities which are meeting the needy in your own country and abroad.

Never be a bystander, give a helping hand, more so now that Covid19 virus is creating needs over the world. There are children without parents who need food and education. I am doing my part and please do yours too. Thank you.


About the Creator

Linnet Brown

. Linnet enjoys working with kids. She has worked with youngsters in different professional roles, which were teacher, day nursery manager, and qualified social worker.

Linnet is retired but working as a volunteer. Linnet is an author.

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    LBWritten by Linnet Brown

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