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My Husband Wants A Divorce Out Of The Blue (How To Save A Marriage When He Wants Out)

If you say that my husband wants a divorce out of the blue, but you don't want the marriage to end, you have a decision to make. You can either give up and let the man you married and are in love with go away; or you don't give up because you are determined to save your marriage and save your family. Making your husband love you again might sound hard to you, but it is not. Read on to find out how to save a marriage when he wants out.

By Harlow KiraPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Did your husband tell you that he wants a divorce, but you really do not want this to happen?

Well you're not alone in this at all... it happened in my marriage, and many other woman's marriages too.

You might have seen it coming, or this might fall an you out of the blue sky, but any way - it doesn't have to mean s end of your marriage. That is if you do things right.

What you need to do (and do not) first:

Let's get some things straight before we start. Before you take any action, you first have to understand the problem you are facing with. The fact that your husband have told you that he wants divorce does not always mean that he really mean this.

Husbands (and wives) sometimes "wave" the threat of divorce for several reasons that might have nothing to do with them really wanting to get divorce. Among these reasons you can find an attempt to get attention, and attempt to "shock" their spouse during an argument, an attempt to "figure" out how important they are to their spouse, according to his reaction etc'.

First try to understand what can cause your husband to make a rough thing like saying that he wants to divorce you? Have you been arguing a lot lately? Is this only a threat made out of anger (or one of the causes we have discussed above)? Is it lack of intimacy, and not enough sex? Did he fell in love with another woman or got in to an affair?

You also have to realize that even if your husband really means that he wants to get divorce, this is not irrreversible.

You can initiate sex, you can communicate, and you can stop all kind of arguments as a first step to block further deterioration in the current situation.

But first thing is first. It is very important that you do not try to persuade him to stay, do not beg, do not threat, do not try and force him to stay. Although you might be in an emotional storm, do not respond with anger, or hysterical manner. This might only worsen things. Stay calm as you can.

Before you take any further step - here is a simple advice that will calm things up - make him feel like a man in the household by ask him to do little things for you in the house and make no remarks on this performances, say only thank you. Keep it as normal as possible, let him get back in to the role of the "male" in the household. Say - "I know that you want to break up but until then I will be grateful if you could do/fix..."

Tell him that you except his decision, and that this could be the best thing for the two of you and the children as well. Tell him that this can help you two to stop arguing and to improve whatever is it that is problematic in your marriage. Tell him that you want that the two of you will do this without any complication in an honorable and friendly way as possible. Again, this will calm things down for the moment.

Collect and copy every document that might be relevant to a divorce - bills, accounts, savings etc', do it secretly, and remind yourself that although you do wand this marriage to work, you must prepare yourself to the worst.

Take a lawyer. Tell the lawyer that for now you really want to try and work things out to save your marriage. Do not get carried away to unnecessary battles because of your lawyer. Make sure that your husband know that you have taken a lawyer. His response will show you how serious he is about him wanting a divorce.

If your husband have taken a lawyer, refuse to talk him without a lawyer of your own, this can complicate things a little but is the best for your interests, and your chances of saving your marriage.

A very important step: Take a few days of. Yes. Go to sleep at your friend's/family or a hotel and tell the children that you went to a vacation, and leave your husband to take care of them. Tell him that you need a time to calm down and digest the new situation. This will not only calm things down but will make him fell your absence and think everything all over again.

Talk only to few people that you trust. The fewer the better.

After calming thins down, you can move forward.

Learn more about saving marriage strategies.

Remember, this is a trouble, but you can overcome it and make your marriage even better then before by confronting this trouble.

Tips For Making Your Husband Fall in Love Again

Soon after you get married, some changes may begin to take place so slowly that you may not even notice them at first. You may think things are still okay until it reaches a point where your husband does not seem to love you any more. Or it may come as a bolt out of the blue when he personally tells you that he no longer loves you. This is something that can leave you quite devastated.

We live in a world where divorce is almost second nature, and many couples opt for it when they reach such a point. The fact that divorce is popular, however, does not mean that it is the best solution in many cases. You can instead find ways of making your husband fall in love with you once more.

Give him some time

If you are like many women, you will feel a great urge to approach your husband with the issue when you notice that something is wrong between you. It is a woman's natural instinct to try to solve any problems as quickly as she can. However, you should understand that men are different, and your husband is one of them.

When you do not let your husband have some space, you may just irritate him further. You should respect your husband's need for some space. Don't make things worse by nagging him, although you may not view yourself as doing so.

Even before you sit down to solve any problems you may have, your husband will realize that you value him, which will prepare ground for reconciliation.

Take a look back

If you want your husband to fall in love with you again, you should take a look back. Try to find out where and when things started shifting between you. This will help you to nail the root cause of the problem that led your husband to fall out of love. Once you are aware of the thing that caused the problem, you can start working for an amicable solution from that point.

Be ready to make some compromises

Each of you will need to avoid taking too strong a stance. Begin by making some necessary compromises so that you can solve any differences you may have.

Avoid negativity

There is hardly anyone who enjoys the company of someone who thinks negatively most of the time. Develop a more positive attitude if you really want your husband to love you again.

You should take appropriate measures to restore the love between you before things go too far. However, even if it has reached a point where your husband begins to consider separation and divorce, the situation is still not beyond repair.

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages, then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.


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