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My Hair Loss Nightmare After Covid-19 and How I Overcame It

Craig Smith

By Health FirstPublished 8 months ago 5 min read

I never thought I would have to deal with hair loss at the age of 25. I always had thick and shiny hair that I loved to style and show off. But everything changed when I got Covid-19 last year. It was the worst experience of my life. I had a high fever, a dry cough, a loss of taste and smell, and difficulty breathing. I was hospitalized for two weeks and had to be put on a ventilator. I was scared that I would not make it.

Thankfully, I survived. But the ordeal was not over. A few months after I recovered, I noticed that my hair was falling out in large amounts. Every time I washed my hair, I would see clumps of hair in the drain. Every time I brushed my hair, I would see strands of hair on the brush. Every time I looked in the mirror, I would see thinning and balding spots on my scalp. It was devastating.

I did some research online and found out that I was not alone. Many people who had Covid-19 also experienced hair loss after the infection. It was a condition called telogen effluvium, which is a temporary form of hair loss caused by stress or trauma. Covid-19 was a major stressor that triggered this condition in many people.

I felt relieved that it was not something permanent or serious, but I still felt depressed and insecure about my appearance. I tried to hide my hair loss with hats, scarves, and wigs, but they were uncomfortable and unnatural. I avoided going out in public and socializing with friends. I felt like I had lost a part of myself.

I decided to look for solutions online and came across a Reddit community where people shared their stories and tips about hair loss after Covid-19. It was a supportive and helpful place where I learned a lot of things that helped me cope with my condition and promote hair regrowth. Here are some of the things that worked for me:

Be gentle with your hair. I stopped using harsh chemicals, heat styling, tight hairstyles, and excessive brushing or combing that could damage my hair and cause more breakage. I switched to a mild shampoo and conditioner with natural ingredients that nourished my scalp and hair. I massaged my scalp gently with my fingertips to stimulate blood flow and relax my muscles.

Eat a balanced diet. I realized that my hair needed nutrients to grow healthy and strong, so I ate a variety of foods that provided protein, iron, zinc, biotin, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals that supported hair health. Some of the foods that I ate regularly were eggs, lean meat, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, and whole grains. I also took a multivitamin supplement to make sure I was not deficient in any nutrients.

Stay hydrated. I drank enough water every day to keep my body hydrated and healthy. Water helped flush out toxins from my body, moisturize my scalp and hair, and prevent dryness and brittleness. I aimed for at least eight glasses of water a day or more if I exercised or lived in a hot climate.

Manage your stress. Stress was one of the main causes of my hair loss, so I had to find ways to cope with it. Some of the things that helped me relax were meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, reading, listening to music, or engaging in hobbies that made me happy. I also talked to someone who understood what I was going through: a friend who also had Covid-19 and hair loss.

Try red light therapy. This was something that I discovered on Reddit and decided to give it a try.

Red light therapy hair treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of red light to stimulate cellular energy production and healing. Some studies have shown that red light therapy can improve hair growth in people with alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss) and androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). Red light therapy is painless, safe, and easy to use at home with a device such as a red light therapy cap. You simply wear the cap on your head for a few minutes a day and let the light do its work. Some Reddit users have reported positive results with red light therapy for hair loss after Covid-19 , but more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness for this condition.

Be patient and optimistic. This was the most important thing that helped me overcome my hair loss nightmare. Hair loss after Covid-19 is usually temporary and reversible, so there is no need to lose hope or give up on your hair. It may take some time for your hair to grow back to its normal thickness and length, but it will eventually happen if you take good care of yourself and your hair. Remember that you are not alone in this journey and that there are many people who understand what you are going through and support you. You can always reach out to the Reddit community for more advice, encouragement, or inspiration.

I am happy to say that after a year of following these tips, my hair has grown back to its former glory. I feel more confident and beautiful than ever. I am grateful for the Reddit community that helped me through this difficult time and taught me how to love and appreciate my hair. I hope that by sharing my story, I can help someone else who is going through the same thing.

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Health First

Let's get healthy! And things will change someday.

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