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My Ex Told Me She Misses Me But She Has A Boyfriend (My Ex Girlfriend Says She Misses Me But She's With Someone Else)

Alright, so you're saying my ex told me she misses me but she has a boyfriend, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're feeling like your world is falling apart. If you're in a situation where you're saying my ex girlfriend says she misses me but she's with someone else, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
My Ex Told Me She Misses Me But She Has A Boyfriend (My Ex Girlfriend Says She Misses Me But She's With Someone Else)
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Is it still possible to get your ex girlfriend back even if she's dating someone else? If you've gone through a breakup and lost the girl of your dreams to another man, how do you get her back without coming across as a jealous jerk and making yourself look ten times worse in the process? Winning her back after she's started to date someone else will require some delicate tactics most men simply aren't good at.

This article will help you understand the dynamics of a rebound relationship and will give you insights on winning your ex back from another man. By reading to the end, you'll have a much clearer picture of exactly what you need to do.

First, let's look at how most men approach this situation. When a man suddenly sees his girl with another man after a breakup, his first reaction is almost always jealousy. It's a natural reaction when you see a girl you love in the arms of another man, but failure to control this jealousy can ruin every last chance you have to get her back. Relax and stay under control.

If you don't relax and stay under control, then you will act in ways that will confirm to your girlfriend that breaking up was the right thing to do. You'll end up trying to start a fight with her and/or the other man. You'll end up calling her or texting her mean and nasty messages that call her a slut, whore, or worse.

The polar opposite of getting jealous that will also make you look worse in your ex girlfriend's eyes is to start begging and pleading with her to take you back. You might be tempted to tell her how the other guy isn't right for her and you might try to step in by telling her how much you love her and miss her. This will only make you look weak, desperate, and needy. She'll cling to the other man harder and harder.

These actions will completely ruin any chance you have of winning your ex back. They all portray you as a man no woman will want to be with.

A much better alternative is to accept the breakup and not interfere with her relationship with someone else. Be patient and let it run its course. Be genuinely happy for her and tell her you hope he takes really good care of her because she shouldn't settle for anything less. Then, simply back away and stay out of it.

By understanding the dynamics of a rebound relationship, you'll realize it's very unlikely this is the man she'll end up with. More than likely it's her way of dealing with the heartache of breaking up with you. She's likely lonely and it just makes her feel good to be wanted again even though he's probably not at all the type of guy she truly wants.

If you give it time and don't do anything to make matters worse for yourself, then more often than not, you'll get your chance to get back together.

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - 4 Steps to Start With

So you want to get your ex girlfriend back. If she broke up with you, guess what? You don't want to hear this, but nine out of ten times, you are to blame. Bear with me here. Men just tend to have a hard time maintaining relationships with women, but it is actually possible if you know how. You will need to figure out how you went off track to begin with if you hope to get your ex girlfriend back.

If you are serious about getting back together with your ex girlfriend, you really need to consider some serious questions. Where and how did you go off track? Why caused her to break up with you? Often, the best answers to these can be found at the source: ask her! And more importantly, if she answers, LISTEN! Of course, the old rule applies: don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer. Some ex girlfriends will go into great detail about each and every fault you have. But by listening, you are demonstrating that you truly want to fix what is wrong and work things out.

Others may not tell you anything. You may get the old line "if you really cared you'd know." This can be very frustrating, but if you are not getting any answers, and you still want ot get your ex girlfriend back, consider the following:

1 - Girlfriends require attention, lots of it. You probably know this, but have you really taken it seriously? I learned this one the hard way. I had a girlfriend who let me know up front when things began getting serious that she was "high maintenance." Meaning she wanted and needed lots of attention. I didn't provide it (and did not have resources such as these) and she is no longer around. It really isn't unreasonable for her to want attention. Every relationship with any of your loved ones requires that you devote attention to them. Showing your ex girlfriend that you can give her the attention that she needs will certainly score you points.

2 - Emotional support is a tricky topic with many women. You need to discover what it is she's looking for in terms of emotional support, if you want to get your ex girlfriend back. It is often about the little things. Many women may say that this is not important to them, but it is. And this is not just the verbal affirmations, telling her you love her and the like. It is amazing what a simple Thinking Of You card can do, or a small gift for no particular reason. These little things can go a long way in your quest to get your ex girlfriend back.

3 - Do I really need to say this? Yes, I am afraid I do. Do Not Cheat! Seriously, if you are still trying to work things out with your ex, but you are seeing other women or sleeping around, forget it. The whole make-her-jealous thing is a farce. The argument that "but it is OK because we are not together now" is just dumb. If you have no intentions of getting her back, fine, do what you want. But if you want to be with her, then you cannot be with someone else.

4 - If you are in one of those awkward situations where you are technically broken up, but are still living together, try to do some things around the house. Wash the dishes (without being asked,) or run the vacuum. Help out with the housework. This is one of those little things that show you care.

You can get your ex girlfriend back if you truly desire to. But you have to put forth some effort. You have to climb down off the high horse we men often get on when we think we have been wronged. Show her love and respect, be attentive, help out around the house, bring her a rose bud in a vase for no reason. Let her know that she is more important than your ego, and you stand a very good chance of getting back together with your ex girlfriend.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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