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Does The No Contact Rule Work If He Has A Girlfriend (My Ex Is Already Talking To Another Girl)

For people who ask the question does the no contact rule work if he has a girlfriend, the simple fact that these words came to your mind is strong proof that you don't want to easily give up on your relationship. If you're saying my ex is already talking to another girl, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Does The No Contact Rule Work If He Has A Girlfriend (My Ex Is Already Talking To Another Girl)
Photo by Kev Costello on Unsplash

You have recently broken up with your boyfriend, and now you are wondering "how can I get my ex back even after he has moved on?" The first thing you need to do is to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are not the first one to lose their boyfriend. But if you are wondering "how can I get my ex back even after he has moved on", I am going to give you some quick and simple tips that will help you get him back, even though he has a new girlfriend.

The first thing you have to do is find a way to convince him that you are the best thing he ever passed up. And you know you can do that. Unless he has really convinced himself that you are not a part of his life anymore, you have a very strong chance of getting him back.

One of the best things (and I cannot stress the word "best" enough) you can do is to become his best friend. Let him know that you are always there for him. Let him know that you are willing to listen to his problems and that you are a friend who he can always call when he needs to talk. Regardless of what most men say, we all need to talk. Show him that you can be the one who is always there for him. Once all of the drama of the breakup is out of his mind, he will not be able to forget the fact that you were still willing to listen to his problems. This will make him appreciate you and make him want to talk to you even more.

When you talk to your ex boyfriend, try to be sweet and pleasant. You want him to know that he has a chance with you, but you do not want him to think that he can just jump right back in. You want him to want you, but you do not want him to think that he has a right to be with you. You want to play hard to get but not to the point that he turns away.

Remember, he has moved on at this point. You are the one who is doing the chasing, but you want him to think that he is the one who is in control of the situation. A little flirting is ok, but do not over do it. You want him to think he is chasing you.

Whatever you do, never seem desperate at any time. Let your friends see you out doing the things you would usually do. This is especially helpful if it is mutual friends. He will hear about it, and it will make a huge difference. Let him know that you are doing fine with everything that is happening. You are the one who is in control right now. Do not be afraid to show it. But at the same time, as mentioned before, do not over do it. You are not going for an Emmy.

If you feel, at any time, that he is looking at you, in public or private, let him see that you are looking at him too. But do it in a way that shows that you notice it, but you are trying not to notice it. You know what I mean. Casually look out of the corner of your eye and give him the up and down. It works every time. This reminds him that you mean something to him. He will begin to remember the good times you had together. It will not be easy, but if you use the methods above, you will have a great chance of getting your ex back even after he has moved on.

Tips for Contacting Your Ex When You Know They Are in a New Relationship

When you finally come to the conclusion that you want to get back your boyfriend you may be faced with an added hurdle. He might be in a new relationship with someone else. Making contact with your ex while they are in a new relationship can be challenging. The way you approach it could determine your chances of getting him back. If you come off as a desperate and pitiful crazy woman then you probably won't be scoring any points with your ex. You will likely be pushing him even farther away from coming back to you and right into the arms of the girl he is seeing.

It is important that you take a somewhat indirect approach to get back your boyfriend when he is in a new relationship. One way to communicate with him while in this situation is by getting some help from mutual friends. Getting information in front of your ex through mutual friends leaves you out of the process directly and still makes sure you are on his mind. Arranging a casual meeting someplace you know he will be, preferably without his new girlfriend is a great way to strike up a conversation. This will work much better if you left things on a reasonable note when last you spoke.

When you do bump into your ex you will really want to start the conversation without jumping into anything terribly heavy. If you want to get back your boyfriend you need to be patient and not push him. Scaring him off will not do you any good. The goal is to make him see that he wants you as much as you want him and that it isn't you chasing him down desperately. Once you have his attention you can start to remind him of some of the great times you did have together as well as the reasons that he loved you in the first place.

If you are going to make contact directly with your ex while he is in a relationship, avoid things like leaving messages on his voice mail or texting him. These will seem like desperate moves and be construed as you trying to control him even though you are apart. Meeting him casually where you think he will be without his new girlfriend is your best option and will give you the best chance at making a positive impact on him. If the moment seems right you could certainly approach him about missing being with him and wishing you could start over. Trying to get back your boyfriend can be a challenge if you are not a patient person. Stay the course and don't rush him if you don't want to scare him away.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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