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My Ex Has A New Girlfriend After 1 Month (My Ex Boyfriend Moved On Immediately)

Are you scratching your head in wonderment, saying my ex has a new girlfriend after 1 month? If you're in this position and you're worried about your relationship going downhill fast, then you really need to pay special attention right now. I want to tell you right now that I know how much it hurts to have to say my ex boyfriend moved on immediately.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
My Ex Has A New Girlfriend After 1 Month (My Ex Boyfriend Moved On Immediately)
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

It is normal for you to panic when you realize that your ex is seeing someone else. This is especially true if you still love your ex and want to get back together with him. Most likely, you are very worried and even a bit devastated and heart broken.

However, it is not all bad news after all. If your ex is already seeing someone else just after your break up, there are 2 possibilities.

1) Your ex is just trying to date someone in order to show off to you, or just to make you jealous so that you will go back to him.

2) Your ex is very likely to be involved in a rebound relationship.

What is a rebound relationship and why does it occur?

Well, it is a type of relationship that is usually started very shortly after a break up. They can be many reasons why a rebound relationship takes place. Most probably, your ex is feeling very hurt or lonely after the break up. However, he can not bear facing the pain by himself. Therefore, your ex decided to date someone else in order to numb the pain.

Rebound relationships usually happen because it helps people to get over the emotions of a breakup. In your case, your ex is using the rebound relationship to get over you, to try and move on from the true love that you both have.

And the true love that existed between the two of you is the key to getting your ex back. With that kind of love, almost all relationships can be saved. It doesn't matter who broke off the relationship, or who's fault it was. Remember, true love is the key.

If your ex is in a rebound relationship, they'll most likely be with someone who is the opposite of you. If you were into sports, they'll probably be with someone who doesn't like sports. If you were the type who liked to plan things, they'll likely be with someone who's spontaneous.

Now, this new "opposite of you" attraction thing isn't a bad thing. It could mean two things that are in your favor. Your ex is still thinking about you by being with someone who's "not you." And, while your ex is trying to be with someone who's not you, it gives you the opportunity to make yourself better.

It'll be tough but let the rebound relationship run its course. The more time your ex spends with the new person, the more they will realize your good qualities by comparison. He will realize soon enough that they're better off with you.

Avoid being anxious about getting back together right away. Slowly but surely, your ex will start to miss you and be ready to move on from the rebound relationship. And when he is ready to come back to you, be gracious about it. Play it cool and show the new and improved you!

Five specific steps to help you deal with your ex's rebound relationship:

1) Avoid trying to convince your ex that you're the only one for them. Let them figure it out on their own.

2) Too much apologizing won't help. Sure, if you were at fault on something, give a sincere apology. But only once. And then move on.

3) Avoid making any promises to doing things differently. You can't change who you are. But, as we discussed earlier, improving upon your good qualities will make your ex's return even better.

4) Avoid defending yourself. Remember, it really doesn't matter who's at fault. Your ex will come to realize this too and realize the true reasons for being in love with you in the first place.

5) This one is key. Avoid showing begging allowed.

As we discussed here, a rebound relationship is when your ex starts dating someone right after the breakup. If you truly want to get back together with your ex, remain positive. Follow the 5 steps listed here and you'll be able to deal with your ex's rebound relationship.

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Like You Again

Ah love can be tough sometimes. Let me guess, you broke up with your boyfriend recently and you want to get him to like you again? Man, breakups really suck. I hate that void and emptiness that comes with losing one you loved, that pang of rejection that you still feel and of course the spare time. It's horrible not knowing who to call or what to do with yourself, it's all the little things you start missing about the person such as their laugh, smile, or even them just being there with you. The good news is that it is actually possible to get your ex boyfriend to like you again, if you follow some simple tips your chances of getting back together will be greatly improved!

Give it some time - this is a really important tip. All too often when couples break up one member of the relationship pushes the other member further away with constant calls and harassment. Use the time after your relationship to reflect on what went wrong. Why did you break up? Can the issue be resolved? Work out what went wrong and how you can fix it! Reflect upon yourself during this time also and work out what you may want out of life.

Show him how fun you are now - This can be a tough one to master as you half want to ignore your boyfriend but you also want to show him how fun and exciting you are. The easiest way to do this is via photos on Facebook if you are still friends! Go out and do some exciting things like rock climbing or even surfing and upload the pictures on Facebook. There is no need to upload photos of you with other guys or anything as this could do more damage to your relationship than good, just show yourself having a fun time! This will show him you have changed and will start building attraction between you again.

You are a very busy person - I know how it goes, you miss your ex so badly that when he calls you rush to the phone, instantly proclaim your love for him and then rush over to his place. Sounds great right? Wrong. This can open you up to the old "it was a mistake" routine where the morning after your ex decides that getting back together was all a big mistake. If he does call and wants to meet up you should play it cool, let him know you are busy on the date he suggests but that you are free a week later. This will give him a week to think about you and this will build some serious attraction.

Just to quickly summarize what you can do to get your ex boyfriend to like you again the idea is to play it cool! Don't rush to your boyfriend the moment he calls, let him wait for you! Show him how different you are after your break and how you are so much more fun after some reflection. Don't guilt him about the past, that's a sure fire way to rejection. Just play it cool and you will be right! Here's to your relationship success!

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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