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My Ex Told Me To Forget About Her (My Ex Girlfriend Told Me To Find Someone Else)

Alright, so you're saying my ex told me to forget about her, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're feeling like your world is falling apart. You're wondering how you're ever going to be able to live without her again. There's nothing worse than having to say my ex girlfriend told me to find someone else.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
My Ex Told Me To Forget About Her (My Ex Girlfriend Told Me To Find Someone Else)
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

You have been miserable since the breakup and to make matters worse, you receive the news that your ex-girlfriend has moved on and is dating someone else. You think about all the things you went through to get her back and the fact that you couldn't make it happen then you succumb to depression. Now, I tell you to don't let this get under your skin. It is still possible to get her back.

You may have a very negative mindset right now, although that is normal, you need to stop and look at things at a more positive light. It is still possible to get her back even when she has someone new. Most women are very vulnerable right after a breakup and will often take any person who first shows care or interest leading to a rebound relationship. This kind of relationship doesn't generally last long so you need not lose hope.

The initial thing to keep in mind if you want your ex-girlfriend back is that every chance you get to talk or be with her is an opportunity to show her passively why she deserves to be with you more than anybody else.

Here are a few tips you should consider to get her back when she has moved on and seeing someone else:

1. It is now time to stop giving her too much space. She has moved on now and that may mean you have given her too much space to explore the idea that you won't be around anymore. It is time to make an effort to be part of her life again even as a friend. Inviting her for a coffee or a party with your mutual friends is a good way to see her without putting too much pressure on both of you.

2. Don't show any sign of anger or frustration when you see your ex-girlfriend with someone new. There will always be that uncomfortable feeling but showing it can ruin your chances of getting her back. So act natural, listen to what they have to say, and don't make any judgmental comment about them.

3. Take your time and don't force anything to get her back. Let her see that you are also busy with your life. If she decides to be friends with you then accept it wholeheartedly. This isn't a bad sign and this just means that you have a connection which is a good thing. This is not permanent but you have to always remember to never force the issue. Just make sure that you are always there for her as a friend in case something does happen to their relationship.

4. Assess where your friendship is with her every time you get a chance. Don't remind her about getting back together or how miserable you are without her. Is she feels your desperation; this can ruin your chances permanently. Instead, be a supportive friend to her so that she finds comfort in you without having to feel awkward or anything like that.

5. Take this time of separation to improve yourself in all aspects. Not only with impressing her in mind but improving yourself as a whole.

Don't give up yet if you really love her. There is always hope and you can make an effort to get your ex-girlfriend back even when she has moved on.

6 Tips to Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend

Tip #1: Immediately after the break up you want to cut all contact with your ex. The exact amount of time to avoid contact varies, but it's usually best to shoot for a couple weeks. This period of radio silence will ultimately be beneficial even if it seems hard right now. You'll be able to think more clearly about the relationship after you've had a week or two to think about it. This will also let you decide for sure that you want to pursue her again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and this is exactly what you want.

Tip #2: Figure out what went wrong. You've probably been thinking about this a lot if you've recently broken up. There must be some unresolved issues at play here for things to have progressed to this point. While you're avoiding contact use the time that to figure this out. Something to keep in mind: the real issue is never the little things that get nitpicked. These things are just as expression of the underlying issue that is being avoided. Once you understand the problem and your relationship to it you can improve yourself.

Tip #3: Avoid repeating past mistakes. Now that you've got an idea of what you need to do to fix some of your relationship issues you have to put them into action. This means changing for the better and consciously focusing on better habits. When you do talk to your ex again and she sees how much you've changed in a short amount of time she'll be really impressed.

Tip #4: Don't neglect your own life. Remember that you still have a family, friends, career, and hobbies that still exist and are valuable despite your break up. Pursuing these activities will also help you rebuild your self-confidence and remind you that you can still live your life without your ex. This will greatly help your relationship with your ex when you see each other again and make you much more attractive in her eyes.

Tip #5: Now it's time to talk. If your ex hasn't tried to get in touch with you after a couple weeks don't be afraid to give her a call. The first conversation you have should be mild and relatively brief. Don't get into the heavier issues about the relationship just yet. Just let her know that you wanted to see how she was and what she has been up to. The purpose of this call is just to get back in touch so that next time you can start discussing the real issues.

Tip #6: Once you broken the ice and reestablished contact it's time to make an attempt to discussing the actual state of the relationship. Ask her to go out with your for a friendly meet up and chat. While out with her you will want to make the point that you are okay with the break up and will be okay if you never get back together, but you also value the relationship and think that the two of you are the right match for each other in spite of the problems in the past. You know what gets her excited so tell her emotionally charged stories of how things were and how they can be in the future. Paint a picture in her mind of what the relationship can become.

Applying these six tips in the way that will best benefit your particular situation is what will give you success. If you're willing to engage in some introspection to understand how everything fell apart you will be able to put it back together again. Once you've impressed her there isn't much more you'll have to do.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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