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My Ex Girlfriend Told Me To Leave Her Alone (What To Do If Your Girlfriend Tells You To Leave Her Alone)

You need your ex and you to believe that she feels the same way about you still. If you're saying my ex girlfriend told me to leave her alone. then you need to make her realize she needs you. You've got to start following a few simple rules though if you thinking about what to do if your girlfriend tells you to leave her alone.

By Michael JaxonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

When your girlfriend wants space the first emotion you're likely to experience is panic. Even though she may not have used the words "break up" or "split" you know that that's where the relationship is headed. Whenever someone claims they need some time apart to sort through their feelings or to find themselves, it's actually just a very gentle way of saying that they're no longer getting what they want from the relationship or from you. If you're still in love with your girlfriend, giving her that space may feel like you're agreeing with the beginning of the end. It doesn't have to be. Understanding what steps you should be taking right now will ensure that the relationship stays together and becomes stronger than ever.

Crying, pleading or begging with your girlfriend may feel like the best thing to do but it's not. When your girlfriend wants space and you continually try and convince her to change her mind, you are actually causing irreparable damage. Through your actions you are showing her that you don't respect what she needs or wants. If you truly want to keep her in love with you, you need to give her the space she's asked for. Don't immediately jump to the conclusion that this indeed means you won't get her back. You'll actually stand a much better chance if you do respect her wishes. She'll be touched and honored that you've put her needs before your own. She'll also see that you're mature enough to handle emotional upsets. That's impressive to any woman.

The other thing you must do if you want to keep your relationship with your girlfriend strong is to give her some time alone. Most men find this too challenging and they can't follow through with it. You need to though if your goal is to keep the relationship intact. When your girlfriend wants space she's expecting you to fight her on it because she knows you adore her. She'll be prepared to deal with all of your arguments about why space and time aren't good for the relationship. She's also ready for you to continually call her or visit her all in an effort to win her back. That's why it's so important that you not do those things. Instead, you should be doing the exact opposite. Don't talk to her for a few weeks. Give her exactly what she wants and allow her the chance to see what her life would actually be like without you. She'll get a taste of rejection when you don't call and it will change her perspective. This works and if you find the willpower to follow through with it, she'll be the one calling you to talk before long.

Avoid Being Trapped By Regret

To get your ex girlfriend back, you must avoid being trapped by regret. Every time Daniel hears of another colleague getting married or receives a wedding invitation, he cannot help but think, what if...

Likable and successful, at 40 he has a good life - he owns his condo, he has good friends and the respect of his co-workers, and he is able to travel. Ten years ago, just weeks before he was to marry the woman of his dreams, she told him it was over. She loved him, she said, she just wasn't in love with him. Not long after, she married someone else - Daniel's one-time closest friend.

There have been women since then, of course, including a couple he almost proposed to, but he's still single.

He always expected to be married by now, have two kids, a dog, the house in the suburbs - the life his parents had in the earlier decades in their long and happy marriage - but now he's beginning to wonder if he's ever going to meet the perfect woman and settle down. Or if there was only The One perfect woman for him.

Though he can't even admit it to himself, Daniel is trapped in regret. Though he does everything he can to put it out of his mind, he still can't get beyond the break-up; it could be he never will. It is the one area of his life, the only one, where he feels like a failure. In all these years since his engagement ended he's achieved a lot, but he hasn't managed to complete grieving the disappointment of losing The One.

Why does it happen that some people simply can't move on after the loss of a love?

Some experts suggest it is because we are all caught up in what they call the myth of perfection. This is the fairy tale of princess brides and happily ever after, the plot line of countless stories, endlessly seductive. In these stories, people always get their ex back. We tell ourselves we can only be happy when we have the perfect job, achieve the perfect size, or marry the perfect person. Even when we do achieve that lofty goal, 'perfection' isn't the result. We don't get what we expected we'd get; there is a gap - often a huge gap - between the expectation and the reality. And we feel cheated. Angry. Disappointed. Filled with regret which can harden into bitterness.

Could it have all turned out differently for Daniel? Perhaps. He did nothing to win his ex girlfriend back at the time, refusing to believe that there is almost always a good chance to get your ex back, if you want her and if you make the effort and do it the right way. And he has done nothing since, to face his disappointment, understand it, accept it, and move on. He compares every woman he meets with the one that got away and, of course, no one can compete.

Chances are, had he married his ex girlfriend, it wouldn't have lasted. He doesn't want to consider this: in his mind, it would have been as perfect as she was. Though you wouldn't know it to look at his life from the outside, Daniel is stuck in disappointment and grief like a fly in amber. There is hope for him, as for all of us, but only if he allows himself to face that disappointment and finally understand that many things in life, including love, don't always work out the way we want or the way we plan.

There may always be a sadness, for what might have been. Even so, we can grieve and move on; we are in control of our own choices, in the present and in the future. Though it hurts, we can love, and lose, and fall in love again; perhaps even with the ex girlfriend.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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