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My Ex Girlfriend Texted Me To See How I Was Doing (Why Did My Ex Girlfriend Text Me Out Of Nowhere)

Are you worried with the thought my ex girlfriend texted me to see how I was doing. You have the power to make her see that you are indeed the ideal man for her. If you're in a situation where you're saying why did my ex girlfriend text me out of nowhere, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
My Ex Girlfriend Texted Me To See How I Was Doing (Why Did My Ex Girlfriend Text Me Out Of Nowhere)
Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

Does you ex still have your mobile number on her phone and out of the blue, she has sent you a text message.

Do you act all cool, calm, actually don't give a damn or do you go into ex girlfriend fear, panic. Does it bring up every emotion you have tried to stuff down way deep so that you don't have to feel like that ever again?

I know what you feel like I've been there. You're going about your merry way. Finally getting over you ex girlfriend, even though secretly you'd like her back.

Then bang out of the blue, she sends you a text message.

You don't have to react to the text message and wonder how you should reply.

Did you know most men actually go into panic overdrive. They sit and wonder why? Why now? It's pretty easy to know what she is thinking by texting you.

The text can mean the following:

  1. It actually means nothing, more than what she has written.
  2. The only person who decides what it means is you.
  3. It is how you react to the words she uses that determine what it means.
  4. If she's away from home, she's bored, homesick and not enjoying it as much as she thought she would. She has started getting back in contact with you because you make her feel safe and secure.

The text means nothing until you decide and feel that it means something. After all, if you Dad wrote the say words Hi, How are you? What does that mean. Your ex means no more than that.

  1. If you want your girlfriend back, the more you try and figure out a hidden meaning, the more time you'll be negatively thinking about her and actually pushing her away.

It is how you feel which is important, not the words that are written.

So where to from here?

You're not alone if you want to get back with your girlfriend. Yet how can you do it quickly and come come across all needy, desperate and alone?

The simplest things you can do are:

  1. Learn and really apply all the steps of the Law of Attraction. These steps don't take much time or effort. Then you just have to do them consistently.
  2. Lean and apply EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). It was your thoughts and feelings that got you into this mess. Why not use your thoughts and feelings to get you out of it too?

By using both of these skills you can let go of your old hurt, anger, fear, jealousy and guilty. Once you let go of these you can start easily attracting your girlfriend back to you.

Warning: Be careful of what you want in a relationship, you might just get what you wish for.

What You Can Do To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Right after a break up many guys ask themselves, "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?" You start thinking about all the things that you could have or should have done differently. You might even try apology letters and contacting her through mutual friends. Anything to get your relationship back on track.

This usually ends up wasting your time and most likely causes your girl to be pushed farther away from you. No woman wants a needy, clinging man. And let's face it guys, she isn't going to tell you what is wrong.

To answer your question of what can I do to get my girlfriend back, you first need to back off. Take a short break for a while and let things cool down.

Instead, this is the perfect time to work on you. Go out and hang with your buds. Make some new friends, play sports, take a trip. Anything to give you some time to gain some perspective. You need this time to reflect on what did go wrong. Because something did or you wouldn't be asking how to get her back now would you?

The real question you need to ask yourself is do you want to get back together with her or not. If after you have had some time away from her and the answer is no, then by all means look for her replacement. But if you feel that you just can't see life without her, then keep reading as I will try to give you some pointers on what to do to get your ex girlfriend back into your arms again.

Keep an eye on your girl without being intrusive. Do not pester her and happen to show up every where she goes. Do not beg for forgiveness. This will definitely send her off in the direction you do not want her to go, into someone else's arms.

At this point you need to start using a little human psychology. We all want the things that we feel we can't have. If your ex girlfriend sees you having fun and going on with your life, she will start to wonder what you are up to. Curiosity is a strong motivational factor that you will want use.

A confident and independent man is very intriguing to a woman. Why else would so many women be attracted to bad boy types? It is because they are confident.

If she seems interested, she is going to start checking up on you. Chances are good that you will hear through the grapevine that she has asked about you. When she attempts to make contact with you do not jump at the first chance to get back together no matter how much you want to.

Show her that you are okay with the break up and that you are getting on just fine without her. But let her know that you are still interested. This is a fine line that you have to walk. Too much and she will suspect that you are just trying to play games. Too light and she may think that you have in fact moved on and that she has lost her chance to get back with you!

At this point you need to suggest a get together. Notice I don't say a date. That would be too much at this time as it could potentially blow up in your face.

Instead, try going out for coffee or even lunch. Keep the conversation light. Don't bring up or ask why you two broke up. Let it stay in the past. Let her know what you have been up to, but more importantly listen to what she has to say.

Being attentive to her and her feelings now will cement in her mind that you might just be the right one. Now that you have changed. Again, curiosity and confidence are going to go a long way towards answering your question of what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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