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My Ex Girlfriend Ignores Me When She Sees Me (How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend's Attention If She Avoids You All the Time)

Are you in a position where you're worried because the thought my ex girlfriend ignores me when she sees me is always prevalent in your mind? If you're wondering how to get your ex girlfriend's attention if she avoids you all the time, then you're probably going through a ton of terrible stress right now.

By Banks RobertPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

Do you want to catch the attention of your ex-girlfriend and want to make sure that you are still on her mind? Actually, that's a lot easier than you may think. Women are very emotional creatures and are more in tune with their feelings than men are. If you want they're attention, here's how you can get it.

Want more? Give less

If you want to grab and keep her attention, you have to give her less of yours. If she knows you're available to her whenever she wants you, she'll begin to take that time for granted. So, when she does approach you, let her know you're busy and don't have time at the moment. It will drive her nuts that you're not there, and make her appreciate the time you do spend with her.

Add a bit of mystery

Disappear for a few hours a day. Maybe just hang out at the library or at a friend's house, but during that time, don't answer phone calls or text messages from her or anyone she knows. If she can't get in touch with you, she'll begin to reach out to your friends to find you. But if none of them know where you are, they can't tell her anything. Leave her wondering where you're disappearing to all the time.

Show interest in someone else

It doesn't even have to be a sincere interest, but the thought of you being into someone else will drive her crazy. Pick someone she knows, but not a good friend. Women can be very spiteful.

Get a new hobby... hers

If she's taking a cooking class, take the class, too. Whatever she's into, you do it, too, but don't make it about her. Don't offer to do it with her, or to compare notes. Just do it. She'll think you're doing it to be close to her, but as you ignore her while you do it, she'll soon realize that it isn't about her and she won't know how to react to that.

Dress up

Wear something you know she likes, maybe even something she bought you. You know what she likes to see you in, so put it on and show off your stuff. It will bother her to see you looking so good, and even worse, other people thinking so, too.

New voicemail message

Have a female friend to leave a funny, flirty voicemail message for you. Make sure that your ex hears the message. It will annoy her to hear another woman's voice on the phone and make her wonder who it is, what they're involvement is with you and how she can stop it.

Short, quick text messages

This one is small, but very effective. When she texts you, always take a few minutes to respond, and never send out a long, drawn out response. When a text messages comes in, listen to a song on the radio as this will give you two or three minutes in between to respond. Then simply send a reply text by just typing saying "Oh ok" or something to that effect. It shows you have other things to do and can't be bothered with all, lengthy messages right now.

6 Crucial Things You Need To Know Before Winning Her Back

You know, losing a girlfriend because of something that was said or done is probably one of the hardest things to deal with in life. You feel terrible. One minute you are angry and want nothing more than to scream. The next your heart aches so bad that you wonder how you will ever make it through the day.

Maybe your head swirls thinking about that terrible fight you had just before breaking up. You are miserable and don't have a clue as to how to win your girlfriend back. But you know one thing, you want her back.

Well my friend, you are in luck because I am going to tell 6 crucial things you need to know before trying to win back the love of your life.

1. First, I will be honest with you. It is not going to be easy to win back your girl's heart and her trust. She has a lot of mixed emotions too. Right now your girlfriend is unsure of just how she feels about you. But don't worry, it is possible to get her back, just not always easy.

2. Immediately following your breakup is the hardest time for you both. This is the time to back off and let things cool down. If you try to get back together right now, the chances are very good that you will just end up pushing her farther away. Give her some space!

3. Realize that relationships are two way streets. There is give as well as take. That is a fact that you cannot get around. Any relationship that goes all one way is not a relationship at all.

4. Once a bit of time has passed and the two of you have calmed down, it is time to start to recapture your girlfriends heart. But take it slow at first!A good place to start and that just may help is to write a letter to your girl. I not talking about a text message or email. I mean an honest to goodness hand written letter. Tell her how you feel. Acknowledge your breakup. Let her know that you are sorry that things had come to the point that you two had broken up. Text messages and emails are too cold and impersonal. But that hand written letter she will keep forever. It really says "I love you" loud and clear.

5. Once the ice is broken and you two are at least on speaking terms, you still need to keep your cool and not jump in too fast. In fact what you want to play a little hard to get at first. You want your girl to see that you have changed, that you have an air of confidence about you. Big secret! Women like it when a man is confident and independent. Why do you think that women go for those "Bad Boys"? It is because they seem confident and independent. Wimpy guys need not apply.

6. If your lovely lady has already started trying out replacements, don't freak out and make a fool of yourself. Accept it and acknowledge it, but don't give up just yet.

You see, you have a distinct advantage over some other guy. You already know what she does and does not like. He will most likely be starting from scratch. Use that knowledge to your benefit. If she likes a particular type of flower, present her with them. The same with perfume, jewelry, etc. Since you have the inside track on her likes and dislikes you can move ahead faster than him.

Just remember to remain cool and to keep these 6 crucial points in the back of your mind and you will know how to win your girlfriend back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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