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My Boyfriend Won't Talk To Me After Break Up (How Can I Make My Ex Talk To Me Again)

Alright, so you're saying my boyfriend won't talk to me after break up, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. You're wondering how can I make my ex talk to me again. You're even wondering what you could have, or should have done, to make this different.

By Banks RobertPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

How can I make my ex talk to me again? This question is being asked a lot. The worst thing is the answers that people are giving - which often is high-risk advice, and probably won't work in exactly your case, with that one really special, unique and wonderful person you think your ex really is.

The reason why I say this, is that most of these advise people are giving, are just general rule of thumbs - designed for plain ordinary superficial relationships, driven by lust before love. I think that you probably might have deeper feelings for him/her, since you read this. You are not just the type of person, that says: "Oh well, that's a shame. But I guess I'll just have find another one to be with then. Have a good life. Bye."

You probably think a lot like I do. Perhaps you've found out that what you two used to have, was something special, something really rare which is hard to find. Just thinking about your ex, gives you the same tickling sensations inside your body, the same feelings, and it just breaks your heart every single time.

The worst feeling of all, is the feeling of being ignored, I think. If your ex would just look you straight into your eyes and say that he/she didn't love you anymore, then everything would be fine... or not fine, but you would at least be able to, over time, get on with your life.

How can I make my ex talk to me? Well it's tormenting you to be shut completely out. Not being able to explain how you feel, and clear up if there ever was any major misunderstandings between you two.

If you want a chance to get your ex back, you need a method to get her to talk to you first. Why risk the disaster of destroying what little is left? Which might be (or not be) the last tiny chance you'll ever get, to get your loved one back, and get on with your life.

You certainly need to act. You need to fight for love. You need to do everything that's in your power. No one else can or will do it for you.

I'll give you three proven ways to help you increase your chances to get your ex back.

Reflection - look deep inside yourself. Realize that you once had the things that your ex was looking for in the ideal boy/girlfriend. You once managed to create attraction and desire like no one else - so he/she picked you. People value their time, and a relationship is very time-consuming, so of course your ex saw something he/she liked in you. Ask yourself the question: "have I changed during our relationship?". I don't say you have, but there's a good chance to it (50/50 - either you have, or your ex has. Or both). Now ask yourself why you've changed. What was the reason behind it? It might not have anything to do with your relationship. Maybe you got frustrated because you got picked on at work, maybe someone close to you died, maybe you lost your job. Life is tough. It gives us a lot of hardships from time to time. It could very well be something like that. If she won't answer your calls, or let you in, talk to his/her best friend. Ask him/her to tell your ex about your reason, and that you're sorry. Say that you understand why he/she dumped you, and that you don't blame him/her at all. Alternatively write a letter to your ex!

Now you need to give him/her a little space - a little time to think about all the good times you had together. You've explained yourself, and added some new vital information now, which your ex didn't know when he/she left you. That's why your ex will try to think back, to see if your story holds. If it explains why you treated him/her as you did, in that period. He/she now knows that it was an influence from outside, that changed you into another person, and as long as you don't behave like a desperate fool now, he/she will start to remember and miss the relationship you two once had. It is important once you've explained yourself, that you don't contact your ex constantly. He/she won't be able to miss you, if you don't let her think this through. Don't worry, she will be thinking of you. That's a very good thing!

After a couple of weeks... If your ex hasn't already contacted you, try to contact him/her and say how much you appreciate him/her pointing out how you had been acting. Tell your ex that it really opened your eyes, and that you've learned a lot about yourself because of this. At this point the only concern your ex has for taking you back might be, that you'll run into the same problem you told her about in step 1 (whatever that was). She has definitely already thought about taking you back, but it might be that fear that's keeping her from taking the final step. So instead of letting your ex say "I'm sorry but I just don't think it could ever work", you've already addressed him/her's concern, you've given him/her credit for being that person, that helped you to become a better person, and made you able to cope with the hardships of life, in a more controlled manner. This new piece of information you've given to your ex, really is important. His/her heart already said yes, but her mind needed to be fed this piece of key information, to settle down, and surrender to the heart.

You've grown as a person - and you've shown your ex exactly that, and made him/her believe you. And the best thing about it, is that you haven't manipulated him/her into making a decision. You haven't told him/her anything that wasn't the truth. All you did was to insist on letting him/her know how much you love him/her, clear up any misunderstandings, and you did it in a respectful manner.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    BRWritten by Banks Robert

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