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My Boyfriend Wants Space How Do I Get Him Back (How Long Should I Give Him To Decide What He Wants)

If you're saying my boyfriend wants space how do i get him back, then you're probably thinking that it's going to be nearly impossible to get him back. However it is possible, and frankly there's usually one main reason that causes you to be in a position where you're saying how long should i give him to decide what he wants.

By Kayla EdenPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
My Boyfriend Wants Space How Do I Get Him Back (How Long Should I Give Him To Decide What He Wants)
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

How to get your ex boyfriend back if he is telling you that he needs more space.

Most of us out there have experienced a serious relationship at some point in our lives. Everything seems to be going great them Bam!!....He says that he needs some space. Now you begin asking yourself why? Was I smothering him? Is there someone else? Does this mean we are broken up? How am I going to get my ex boyfriend back?

In most cases the reason that you're ex boyfriend would say that he needs space has to do more with a fear of commitment than it does his feelings toward you. This problem affects men much more so than women since women are natural nurturers and love the idea of marriage and family,in other words, you will hear men saying that they need more space much more than you will women.

The reality of this situation may not have much to do with you at all, it has more to do with your ex boyfriends fear of commitment so don't beat yourself up. This is a common thread amongst those who have gone through or are going through a break-up. This is a hurdle that can easily be overcome if you have the right approach.

How to get your Ex boyfriend back.....

To get your ex boyfriend back you need to think about the big picture, what are you going to do initially? And what will you do once you get close again? At all costs you want to avoid coming across desperate or needy, your pride must remain intact and your ex boyfriend needs to realize this. To avoid coming across this way you will need to limit your conversation at first to keep the drama level down.

The last thing that you want to do is get emotional and argue over something trivial. As conversations, online chats and texts begin you can gradually increase the length of these interactions since you have built a foundation which you can now build upon.

Clearly you are still in love with your ex boyfriend and guess what? He probably feels the same way that you do but is scared about the commitment part. If you feel that you're ex boyfriend still has feelings for you then the best thing that you can do is show him that you're OK with everything. You have accepted the circumstances and wish to remain at least friends, reminding him of the good times you once shared.

What you are looking for here is an opportunity to play hard to get, make your ex boyfriend want you back then strategically take him back on your terms. At first you are simply reminding him of how much he wants to be in your life. Eventually he should start to have significant feelings for you and at this point you want to show those feelings as well however keeping in mind that you are going to play subtle hard to get at the same time, this should drive him crazy!

Right now your looking for ways on how to get your ex boyfriend back, in the end it could go either way. If you're ex boyfriend does't respond to your subtle friendly advances then you may have to take it for what it is but at least you will have some closure.

What Your Ex-Boyfriend Wanted When He Broke Up and Why He May Try To Get You Back

Not knowing what your ex-boyfriend wanted when he broke up with you can make getting back together seem impossible. He really didn't give you any reason why. He just decided to dump you like he wanted you to suffer wondering why. Now it seems as if all the times you both spent together meant nothing to him. You wished you could fix things now but you don't know what needs fixing. But don't give up, he may try to get you back.

You can expect your ex-boyfriend to stay away and avoid you. He may call though claiming he left something or he dialed you by mistake. This may be so but most guys won't worry about getting anything back.. If he really cares about you though the phone call will be an excuse to contact you. If he still has feeling for you then he'll give in to the urge because he wants to see what kind of response you'll give him.

Don't expect him to get in contact right away though because he will fight the that urge to look in on you until he realizes what is important.. You were probably dealing with a man and his pride. He probably felt it wasn't needed for him to sacrifice some things in order to make the relationship work. His pride talked him into breaking up with you but missing you will make him swallow his pride. Eventually he will decide that losing you would be worse than sacrificing anything for the relationship.

Then the phone calls will start and in time the rekindling will take place. If you want to get back together with him then rekindle the relationship slowly. Forget about any misunderstandings before the breakup and don't press the issue of why he wanted to break up with you. Just be happy in the thought he came back to you and wants to get back together.

Look for sincere conversation from your ex-boyfriend and soon you'll be back together. If he is being honest about his feelings then he will not want to bring up any issues either. All he will want to talk about is how many good times you both had together and current affairs in his life. If you both are discussing something other than the relationship it is OK if he disagrees as long as he has a point to make.

What you don't want during the conversation is if he tries to point out something that went wrong during the relationship. If he does this then likely nothing has changed and he will just waste your time. He is wanting to control of the relationship and you by making you feel it was your fault. You have to decide if you want to live with someone like that but the smart woman will move on and end up with someone she is happy with.

Not knowing what your ex-boyfriend wanted after a breakup you could think he just wanted to make you suffer. What you have to do is wait and see if he calls. He may never call again but by that you should be ready to move on. If he does call and it sounds like an excuse then he may be trying to get you back into his life.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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