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My Boyfriend Says He's Confused and Needs Space (Does He Need Space or Is He Done)

Are you in the tough spot where you're saying my boyfriend says he's confused and needs space, I don't want a breakup now what? This happens a lot. If you're wondering does he need space or is he done then you're not alone because it seems like the line has been blurred in a lot of relationships.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
My Boyfriend Says He's Confused and Needs Space (Does He Need Space or Is He Done)
Photo by Molnár Bálint on Unsplash

Your man needs space. The moment you hear him say that you feel the dread and confusion start to creep in. You envision the space he wants to be the beginning of the end of your relationship. You ask your friends what they think it means and they all tell you that it's because he's so overwhelmed with love for you that he's scared and needs time to absorb his feelings. They're wrong. When a man says he needs space, it's for one reason only. He's not happy in the relationship anymore.

One of the most detrimental things you can do when your man needs space is try to convince him otherwise. All the arguments you make and all the begging and pleading are not going to change his mind. They're only going to make him feel even more justified in his decision to create some distance between the two of you. Whenever a woman tries to hold on too tightly to a man she's in essence showing him that she's desperate and that her happiness hinges solely on her relationship with him. If you don't want him to think that's the case, you have to control yourself.

Agreeing that space is a great idea will actually accomplish more in a situation like this. Right now you feel concerned and anxious about the future of the relationship because he's asked for a break. That means he controls everything. You have to shift that so it's more in your favor. You can do that by telling him that you understand his need for space and that you're fine with it. Don't launch into a big speech about it. Simply mention that you believe it's worth exploring. He'll definitely be surprised by this reaction from you.

Busy yourself with everything but him once you two do decide to take a break. Immerse yourself in your life again. Reconnect with friends and spend more time pursuing the career you really want. A great idea is to take some courses that you've long considered taking. Your goal should be to stay away from him while you work on improving who you are so you can find happiness within yourself.

Distance has an amazing way of changing how a man views a relationship. Once he's had a chance to live without you for a time and he sees that you're fine being without him, he'll reconsider the space he so desperately wanted. Hopefully by then you'll be in a strong emotional place and won't find yourself running right back to him. Let him work to gain your affection again. It will show him that you're someone worth having.

Basic Strategy To Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend

When going through a break up many women become quite upset and go overboard to attempt to get their ex boyfriend back. This over emotional reaction and bombardment towards her ex boyfriend can really damage the relationship further and make it harder to reconcile issues. Men are repulsed by this kind of behavior so women have to learn to take it slow and keep their emotions in check so they will be able to reignite that spark they have with their ex. This is difficult and will take a little work, but it'll be worth it when you get your ex boyfriend back.

The first you want to do, or rather not do, is not to call or send any text messages to your ex boyfriend for some time after the break up. You'll want to let a little time pass so that your emotions will settle allowing you to more clearly think things through. You probably know that if you call him when you're in an upset mood you'll end up saying a lot of stuff you don't really mean. Instead use this time to think about the issues your relationship has and how they caused the break up.

Use this time to figure out what you really want from a relationship and what you actually need. Don't neglect to consider his point of view as well and think about what would be best for him as well. Think about where you want to go in your life and if your relationship with your ex is still worth it. If you're at fault you should certainly apologize for it, but if you ex boyfriend is at fault you are probably considering if it is worth forgiving him and getting back together. If you can't forgive him that is OK, you'll have to take the time that's required to move on. However, if you want to get back together with him you'll have to forgive and forget. This way when you reunite there won't be any lingering issues on the periphery.

Think about how you have been acting around him in recent weeks and months. Had you become controlling and possessive? A man wants to be able to protect and care for his woman, but he doesn't want to be dictated by one that is controlling and greedy. If you realize you've been acting this way you'll want to consider how you could ease up. Though you're in a relationship both of you will need to have a degree of independence and the ability to do things on your own. Seeing things this way you can consider the relationship as a whole and see what areas need improvement and what was going right.

Once you have had the time to figure out what went wrong with your relationship you'll be prepared to actually talk with your ex. Get in touch with him and see if he will join you at one of your favorite hangouts. Talk about your history and reminisce on the good times you shared.

Let him know what you have been up to and what you've been thinking about. Tell him how you've thought over the relationship and that it is too important to you to let it all go because of one mistake. If the two of you work together you can solve your problems.

Getting your ex back takes some work and determination so you want to be prepared for what may come your way. But, if you are serious about your ex and your relationship you will probably find that they feel the same as you.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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