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My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me For Going Through His Phone (My Boyfriend Caught Me Looking At His Phone)

Are you saying my boyfriend broke up with me for going through his phone, and you want to find a way to get him back? A breakup can leave you feeling miserable and alone. Especially if you still really love your boyfriend and think you should still be together. Over and over, your mind replays the painful moment. If you're saying my boyfriend caught me looking at his phone, then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Ivy JadePublished 2 years ago 6 min read
My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me For Going Through His Phone (My Boyfriend Caught Me Looking At His Phone)
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

One of the most-searched Internet topics is "how to get your boyfriend back." Losing that special someone makes you sick to your stomach and causes you to dwell on him constantly, whether you were dating for a few months or a few years. You'll replay it over and over in your head. It's going to sting, and you're instantly going to want to know how to win your boyfriend back, even before you take a moment to consider what went wrong.

Fortunately, you're not alone in the advice department: there are plenty of great tutorials, courses, and guides all related to the best ways to rekindle that love and get your boyfriend back. Unfortunately they often cost money and make unrealistic promises.

There's a reason you have that immediate urge to get your boyfriend back; it's only human to want what you can't have - especially if you had it in the past. But the fear of rejection isn't a good reason to want your boyfriend back. Before you even start thinking about the right steps to win your boyfriend back, consider the following:

1) Why are you trying to get your boyfriend back?

If you want to get your boyfriend back because you want what you can't have, you need to reconsider your priorities.

Of course that doesn't mean there aren't better reasons deep in your heart - but if the first emotion you feel is anger or jealousy, you've got some serious thinking to do before you use a strategy to win your boyfriend back.

If you're more worried about him being with somebody else instead of wanting to be with him, no amount of relationship advice will help you bring back a healthy relationship.

2) What went wrong in the first place?

The most common scenario is that he broke up with you, probably because, "he's drifted" or, "the feelings aren't there anymore." Those types of breakups are seemingly harder to fix. But maybe you broke up with him and realized you made a huge mistake.

Or, even worse, you may have violated his trust in a major way. Guys are different from girls - you may think it has something to do with your love life. But any guy worth keeping won't break up with a girl because of the love life (he'll try to fix that).

You don't need to know the exact reason behind the breakup, but to win your boyfriend back, you must have an intimate understanding of what would've went wrong and acknowledge that the status quo of the relationship was not working.

3) Are you committed to making a change?

Some people say guys are easy to manipulate. And some guys are. But if you think you'll get him back while trying to change him, you're not ready to really get him back. And trying to change him may have pushed him away in the first place.

While there does need to be a paradigm shift in his view as well (and there are better ways to do it), the hard truth is you're going to have to do some soul-searching and be willing to accept the things you need to change.

If you're not ready to change your lifestyle and are convinced you can find another guy who is better suited to how you live, don't pretend you want to get your boyfriend back because you're committed to the relationship.

This goes back to question one. Don't feel like you have to change either - but if you want to get your boyfriend back, it's very likely one of the first things you'll need to do is take time to clean up and get right with yourself. That means kicking old habits and looking out for your health before you look out for anybody else.

4) Are you willing to be alone first?

If you truly want to win your boyfriend back, you're going to have to be okay with being alone for a little while. And considering he was probably such a big part of your support system, that's going to be hard. Sure, sometimes a guy will come back to you immediately. But don't hold your breath - quick-fix relationships are the exception, not the rule.

A lot of guides will tell you to take time off and not talk to your ex - it's kind of cliché, but it's also true. Being emotionally vulnerable is dangerous, especially if there's a phone nearby. You have to be OK with being "alone." That doesn't mean single. That means not even looking. That means giving all your energy and time to yourself and nobody else. That means surrounding yourself with friends and family, but thinking about number one first.

If you can commit to yourself and not talk to your ex for a little while, you'll have a better chance to get your boyfriend back. If you can't even be alone for a little while of your own accord, you'll push him away and find yourself alone on his terms. Consider those four things before really trying to get your boyfriend back.

3 Essential Tips To Get Your Boyfriend Back Fast!

When you go through a sudden break up, you can be overwhelmed with emotions. Beyond being hurt you can also feel shocked, confused, angry and panicked. If you want to get your boyfriend back I have good news. There are certain steps to take immediately following the break up that can really improve you chances of getting back together. But you need to know what they are, and in the wake of you raw emotions, these actions can seem like the exact opposite of what you instinctively do. So pay close attention and learn how you can get your boyfriend or girlfriend back.

1. Communication Black Out

First, commit to not contacting your ex boyfriend for a minimum of 3 weeks. If your ex boyfriend contacts you, there are specific ways to handle that. But you must not contact him. That means if you have to lock away your cell phone and unplug your computer, do so. No contact means no texting, calling, hanging up, lurking on Facebook. No calling his friends and family to obsess about what went wrong and how you can get your boyfriend back. Just act like he does not exist. This communication black out accomplishes two things. One, it gives your ex boyfriend breathing space. And it also makes him curious. After about a week he is guaranteed to be wondering how you are doing and why he has not heard from you. Then he will call you - bingo! This is exactly what you want to happen.

2. Confidence Incites Curiosity

While you are in your "black out" mode, take time to work on yourself. Ask yourself honestly if in the last weeks or months of the relationship you had started to take certain things for granted with your boyfriend. DId you always attend to your best grooming before a date, wear your A-list lingerie, give him the time and attention he deserved? Will a new haircut or sexy pair of shoes help perk up your mood? Have you always wanted to take a belly dancing or cooking class? Now that you have more time on your hands it might be the time to try something new. It'll make you feel better, and show that your life did not stop when your boyfriend left you. Make sure you do drop out of social circulation. Be out and about, looking your best, so that your ex's friends and family can see you, and pass on the news that you are fine and looking great. That will incite his curiosity and start to drive him crazy.

3. Ignore All Your Problems

If you stay true to your resolve not to contact your ex, before you know it they will be calling you. Do not make critical mistakes when this happens. Mistakes include apologizing, promising to change or discussing past problems. The essential key here is to keep things positive. If you ex asks to meet you it needs to be a short date where you reconnect and have fun like the early courting days, not a date where you "talk" and conduct a post mortem on your relationship.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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    IJWritten by Ivy Jade

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