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Milo, an Asian's Sweet Symphony of Friendship

A Singaporean story of friendship in primary school

By @203SGPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Milo, the beverage that had swept across Asia, held a special place in the hearts of countless 2000s generation kids. From the very first taste of chocolate malt powder sprouts to the eagerly awaited annual Milo van visits in our school, and eventually becoming an essential drink found in every classroom.

In my primary school days studying in Singapore, the sight of people queuing up for a refreshing cup of iced Milo at the drink stall was a testament to its popularity. The line seemed to stretch for miles, and I found myself caught up in the spirited competition of jostling for position. At times, I questioned whether this was an unnecessary hassle, but I stubbornly clung to this habit. As time went by, the drink stall auntie's familiar query of "Ah girl, what you want?" gradually changed into "Milo right?" and then to "Na- your Milo."

During those formative years of primary school, I formed an inseparable bond with two close friends, Yuxuan and Suha. We were the acknowledged "iron triangle" of our class, always sticking together and sharing everything, including our meals during lunchtime. My iced Milo was a central part of our "ritual". We would take turns savoring its delicious flavor, complemented by Yuxuan's set lunch appetizers and the delightful snacks that Suha's mom always prepared. Looking back, those precious moments were the epitome of joyous camaraderie in my school days, and it was this sense of belonging that fueled my unwavering commitment to this stubborn habit of purchasing a cup of Milo each and every day.

As the chapter of primary school drew to a close with the momentous event of the Primary School Leaving Examination, our paths diverged, and we embarked on separate journeys. Suha returned to her homeland in India, while looking for time to meet with Yuxuan became an increasingly daunting task. The prospect of reuniting felt as elusive as reaching for the heavens.

As I progressed to secondary school, the demanding schedule and increased academic responsibilities made it impractical for me to spend precious minutes standing in line for a cup of Milo. Moreover, the overwhelming sweetness of this school's Milo, infused with copious amounts of condensed milk, gradually wore on my palate, leaving me yearning for a change. Consequently, when I happened to stumble upon a familiar iced Milo and purchased it out of habit, I couldn't help but contemplate consuming it in one swift gulp. The beverage that had once epitomized nostalgia and delight had undergone a profound transformation, mirroring the changes in my own life.

Thankfully, the advent of the internet revolutionized our ability to stay connected. I remained in touch with my dear friends, Yuxuan and Suha, bridging the physical distance through frequent video chats and sharing the bittersweet moments of our new lives in our group chat. Although unable to meet in person, the deep-rooted concern we felt for one another kept our friendship resilient. Milo, for me, transcended mere nostalgia; it became a cherished symbol of the unbreakable bond shared by the "iron triangle" of our childhood.

Looking back on those years, the memories of my primary education in Singapore and the significant role Milo played in shaping my experiences fill me with both wistfulness and gratitude. The vibrant tapestry of moments spent savoring Milo, the laughter shared with dear friends, and the bitter-sweetness of life's transitions all intertwine to create a vivid tableau of my journey through those formative years. Milo may have transformed, and circumstances may have pulled us apart, but the connections forged over a shared love for this beloved drink remain a testament to the enduring power of friendship.

-edited with ChatGPT


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