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Mastering Emotional Control

12 Essential Habits

By Maliha ArshadPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Mastering Emotional Control
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Emotions can be a rollercoaster ride, and many individuals struggle to keep them in check, particularly in stressful and uncertain situations. For some, even the smallest hiccup can lead to overwhelming emotions like anger, anxiety, or distress, escalating minor conflicts into damaging and embarrassing scenarios.

Picture this: you're engaged in a friendly debate with someone about a topic you both hold dear, such as sports or politics. Your intention is merely to express your point of view, but the other person's agitation seems to intensify with every exchange. Their voice rises, derogatory comments flow, and personal criticisms abound. What begins as an amicable discussion soon devolves into a heated exchange filled with name-calling and profanity. Why does this happen? It occurs because not everyone possesses the knowledge and skills to manage their emotions effectively. When confronted with viewpoints they disagree with or information that contradicts their beliefs, many individuals react impulsively, as if a wave of frustration and volatility were crashing over them.

In such cases, people may feel a surge of defensiveness, interpreting any opposing viewpoint as a personal insult. They might become frustrated because their ideas aren't being validated, or perhaps they struggle to articulate their thoughts accurately. These emotions can lead to poor decisions, as they become desperate to assert their perspective, ultimately harming relationships and those they hold dear. It is only in the aftermath, once the emotional dust has settled, that they recognize the damage done.

So, what can you do when your emotions are pushed to the brink? How can you prevent them from spiraling out of control? In this article, we'll explore twelve powerful habits that revolve around the concept of "non-reacting." By acknowledging extreme emotions and delaying impulsive responses, you can make well-considered decisions when it matters most.

Chemical Countdown:

Emotional conflicts trigger the release of chemicals in your brain that fuel extreme reactions and impulsive behaviors. To regain control, you must wait for these chemicals to subside before taking action. Try a simple technique: close your eyes and count to five. During these five seconds, the brain's chemical activity slows down, allowing you to view your situation with clarity. These mere seconds can spare you years of impulsivity and remorse.

Find Your Roots:

When intense emotions bubble up, seek to identify their underlying causes. Ask yourself why you feel the way you do in response to a specific trigger. For instance, if someone's comment sparks impulsive anger, question why their words have generated such a strong emotional reaction. This habit shifts your perspective, compelling you to step back and analyze your emotions objectively. This places you in a position of emotional control, helping you understand the true source of your distress, often different from what it initially appears.

Sources of Resentment:

Many individuals have a tendency to harbor anger and resentment without addressing these feelings. Instead of expressing their frustrations and seeking resolution, they let anger simmer and intensify. Over time, the original source of their anger may be forgotten, making it increasingly challenging to dispel these emotions. The longer negative emotions are ignored, the more persistent they become. To maintain emotional well-being, address your feelings proactively rather than allowing them to fester.

Name Your Emotions:

A significant challenge in controlling emotions arises when individuals cannot accurately identify what they're feeling. Emotions appear as a confusing swirl of thoughts and feelings, making it difficult to discern their individual components. To tackle this issue, try labeling your emotions as soon as they surface. When you feel something welling up inside, ask yourself, "What exactly am I feeling? Is it anger, sadness, impatience, or embarrassment?" Giving a name to your emotions simplifies them, making them easier to comprehend.

Manage Your Stress:

Stress plays a pivotal role in emotional stability. Elevated stress levels can diminish patience and discipline, making even minor issues appear insurmountable. To maintain emotional control, make stress relief a daily habit. Engage in activities like writing, meditation, or exercise, all of which can alleviate stress when practiced consistently.

Opportunities for Expression:

One of the primary reasons individuals lose control of their emotions is their reluctance to express their true feelings. It's essential not to suppress emotions, as bottling them up can lead to outbursts of extreme emotions down the line. Instead, create regular outlets for emotional expression. Maintain a journal, engage in conversations with loved ones, or seek the guidance of a mental health professional. Making self-expression a routine practice will enhance self-awareness and emotional control.

Channel Your Feelings:

Besides talking or writing, emotions can also be channeled into physical activities or creative pursuits. These endeavors absorb your focus and direct your energy in a way that promotes calmness and clarity. For instance, if you're caught in a stressful situation, consider singing at the top of your lungs or engaging in another activity that helps release your feelings constructively.

The Empathy Routine:

When you're upset with someone, try to see the situation from their perspective. They may be feeling wronged, facing a challenging circumstance, or struggling to comprehend their emotions, much like you. Practicing empathy can neutralize extreme emotions and pave the way for mutual understanding. It also enhances your emotional intelligence by encouraging self-reflection, challenging assumptions, and promoting a composed state of mind.

Possess Your Emotions:

Don't be ashamed of your emotions. Many people shy away from acknowledging their genuine feelings out of embarrassment or fear of judgment. When you're overwhelmed by emotion, take responsibility for it, recognizing that there's nothing shameful about your feelings.

The Boiling Point:

Even with improved emotional control, there may be moments when your emotions are nearly overwhelming. Recognize your "boiling point" – the moment right before your emotions bubble over – and avoid making rash decisions or speaking words you might later regret. When you sense you're reaching this point, step away from the situation to cool off and regain your composure.

Create Your Mantra:

In times of strong emotions, a personal mantra or meaningful phrase can help you regain perspective and rise above negativity. A mantra serves as a reminder of your goals and the kind of person you aspire to be, enabling you to maintain emotional control even in the face of anger or frustration.

The Power of Breath:

Your breath can be a powerful tool in building emotional discipline. Breathing exercises can influence both the sympathetic nervous system (the "fight or flight" response) and the parasympathetic nervous system (which promotes relaxation). Deep inhalations encourage rational decision-making, while slow exhalations induce a sense of calm and control. When emotions spin out of control, taking a few deep breaths can be all it takes to regain composure and clarity.

In conclusion, mastering emotional control is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance your personal and professional life. By incorporating these twelve habits into your daily routine, you can develop the ability to manage your emotions effectively and navigate any situation with patience and composure. Remember that building emotional discipline is a gradual process that requires consistent effort, much like developing physical muscles. However, with dedication to these everyday practices, you can gain mastery over your emotions and make more thoughtful decisions in challenging circumstances.


About the Creator

Maliha Arshad

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