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manifestation and how it works

how to manifest anything you want

By the good witch Published 3 years ago 3 min read
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The complete and ultimate guide on how to manifest anything you want.

Manifestation can be a very good thing as well as a very bad thing. As the old saying goes be careful for what you wish for because you just might get it all. And then some you don’t want.

The first step in manifestation is to focus on what it is that you want. Meditate on it. See how good it could be for you? What do you expect to accomplish using the thing you desire?

How much will you enjoy it?

Focus completely on your desire.

The second step in manifesting is to be thankful for what you don’t have. It sounds insane but say aloud to the universe (or your god/goddess) I am so happy and thankful for insert your desire here. This will help you because it shows gratitude to the universe (or your god/goddess) this will make them want to grant your desires.

The final step in manifestation is to live the end result. In this step, you need to live like it already has happened this will make it easier for the universe to bring your desire into your life. This step is based on the law of attraction.

Law of attraction

the law of attraction says that good thoughts bring about good things and bad thoughts bring about bad things. In my experience this is true. And witches worldwide use this technique to manifest in their spell work. Which is exactly what witchcraft is.

Witchcraft and how it relates to this.

Witchcraft is setting an intention, meditating on the desired outcome usually with a candle while chanting the desired outcome while meditating. The belief that the spell is going to work Is part of the process. Because if the witch believes that nothing will happen then they are going to just be going through the motions with no end result. It simply won't happen. However, if the witch believes whole heartedly that the end result will be achieved then 9 times out of 10 the desired outcome will happen. Witchcraft in this case is literally mind over matter.

All practitioners of magic understand this concept. That's why they are able to manifest whatever they want either for themselves or for others. This applies to all forms of witchcraft from Native American medicine men all the way to Chinese practitioners even the witch doctor. Even voodoo queen Marie Laveau knew this.

Why does it not work every time?

As I have said in the last paragraph it only works 9 out of 10 times. The reason for this is simply that It was not meant to be right now. The universe, should it decide to grant your desire. Works on its own time. Not human time or earth time but rather its own time. We call this divine timing. There are some cases that the universe does not grant your request. Believe it or not, this is not always a bad thing it can be quite good at times.

Nothing can happen without the universe ordaining it to happen.-- Ralph Smart

following these rules has manifested a lot of things for me. In my life, so I thought I would share these tips and tricks to help you manifest anything you desire. As well as how it works and why it works. Or at least why I think it works. And how to use that to your advantage to manifest your desires.

And now an inspirational quote on manifestation

In this matrix, they know that the human being is so powerful like in a child's mind anything is possible. Remember when you were a child and you would think of something and it would just randomly appear? That is instant manifestation when you were young. They know this, that’s why they try to distract you from your higher self. because once you have accessed your higher self you are unstoppable. -- Ralph smart


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the good witch

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