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Maintaining Positivity, Balance and Mental Health

Are you maintaining?

By Ur GirlPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Cover Created in Canva

According to Google positivity is the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude. Thats the thing, keeping a positive attitude in the midst of a pandemic, wars and rumors of wars. How do we keep a positive attitude?

Heightened crime rates across the country, and many people are struggling to live life as normal as they possibly can. What is a normal life anyway? Is it getting up going to work, day in and day out? Is it spending time with our families and friends? Is it fighting to stay afloat?

According to Google balance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Are we living an upright and steady life? Are we living a balanced life? Are the weights of this world evenly distributed?

According to Google mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. How is your psychological and emotional well-being with everything that is currently going on? With the state of the world right now many people are struggling with anxiety, depression and mental health issues.

I can personally attest to the challenges associated with mental illness, one of my sons struggles with mental illness and it is a daily challenge. I have tried getting him help many times, but it seems that the resources are very limited. My heart goes out to families that are dealing with mental health issues, as it is a tough [lace to be in. It's hard to seek help for an adult that doesn't think he has a problem.

The saddest part of it all is that something horrible has to happen before something is done to help that person suffering, and my anger stems from those people with mental health issues are placed in jail and never receive the proper assistance needed.

I have watched my son get into legal trouble time and time again. They put him in jail but don't address his medical needs. That doesn't make much sense to me.

So how do we maintain positivity, balance and mental health?

1.We must maintain a positive mental attitude

2.Create a positive mindset intentionally

3.Prioritize our priorities

4.Take care and nurture ourselves

To maintain positivity, we must

1.Start each day with a positive attitude

2.Practice positive self-talk

3.Associate with positive people

4.Practice our gratitude and faith

5.Focus on the good things that are happening in our lives

To work on our mental health, we should

1.Take mental breaks

2.Prioritize exercise, resting and relaxation

3.Set boundaries

4.Identify our stressors and do something to change them or get help to destress

We are all in this together, yes, it's harder for some than it is for others. That is why I'm such a big advocate for random acts of kindness. We never know what the next person may be dealing with mentally, emotionally or financially.

If you can afford to pay for the person behind you in the drive thru, you should consider doing it. If you can afford to pick up the tab on someone's coffee, you should do it.

We never know what someone else is going through and our random acts of kindness may help someone that needed a little push of encouragement at that very moment. Please consider practicing random acts of kindness each day. It could make the difference between life and death.

Much Love,


P.S. If you know of any resources personally, please share them with us as I am always looking for ways to help my son to live an active, and productive life.

A coffee sounds really great right now!


About the Creator

Ur Girl

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