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Love is one of the worst things I have ever came across

Love can destroy you, but it can also build you up.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

This is a story of a love that has destroyed me. Lost love, to be more specific. I'm sure many of you can relate. This isn't the first time it's happened to me, but it really never gets easier. It's not even the loss of the person: I've lost people before and gotten over it quickly enough. No, this is something else entirely—this is like losing a part of yourself and not being able to get that back. This is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone, even those who wronged me before and since then—it's just too painful. So if you'll allow me my nostalgia for a moment, let's talk about what happens when love dies."

It is painful

• Love is one of the worst things I have ever came across.

• It's painful to lose someone you love, it's painful to be rejected by someone you love and it is even more painful when that person who doesn't love you back but still wants to be in your life.

• The pain of loving someone who does not love you back is unbearable because they are always around with their smiles and laughter even though deep inside they feel nothing for us. We know they don’t really care about us but we still suffer in silence hoping that someday they might change their minds about our feelings towards them

It is addicting

Love is one of the most powerful addictions out there and it can quickly take over your life. It's like a drug that you need more and more of to feel normal. If you've ever been addicted to anything, you know how hard it is to get off that drug. Love is no different from any other addiction in this respect—except when it comes to love, we don't use drugs or alcohol as an escape from our everyday lives; instead, we use other people for comfort and support as well as for sexual pleasure.

Love isn't just an emotional connection between two people; it's also physical attraction that leads us into bed together (or wherever else). But no matter how much fun sex may be with someone else—and let's face it: sex is fun!—it doesn't mean that person understands your needs or cares about you in any real way beyond what they get out of being with you sexually.

It is important

Love is important. It is a human need, it is a human right and it’s an experience that affects us all in some way and at some point in our lives. Love changes who we are as people; it makes us feel safe, happy and wanted. We need to love ourselves to be able to fully appreciate the love that others give us because without self-love, how can we give and receive real love?

If there was no such thing as “love” then nothing would matter anymore because there wouldn't be anything left worth fighting for or dying for!

Romantic love can destroy you, but it can also build you up.

You may be wondering what I mean by "romantic love." Romantic love is the kind of love that makes you feel like you are on top of the world. When someone loves you and treats you well, it can make everything seem brighter. It's truly one of life’s greatest feelings!

Unfortuntately, there is also a dark side to romantic love. You may find yourself in a relationship that isn't healthy or good for your well-being. In this situation, being in love may leave you feeling terrible—like your life is falling apart at every turn and there’s nothing else left worth living for anymore (and maybe even some days where death feels like an escape).

Having known love and lost it, I would not do it again, but I know I will have to

If you have known love and lost it, I can only pity you. The pain that comes with such a loss is indescribable. Having experienced this pain personally, I will never be able to fully articulate how painful it was for me to lose the person I loved so much, but I can tell you that having known love and lost it, I would not do it again, but I know that one day in the future when another opportunity presents itself for me to find true love again and all of my efforts are exhausted in trying to keep her safe from harm's way or from some other unforeseen tragedy looming over her head like a dark cloud ready to rain down upon us both at any moment -- yes, when all of these things happen again someday (and they will), then yes -- yes! -- we might try our luck at being lovers again!


My life has been filled with love, loss and disappointment. The only thing I can say about love is that it has become my best friend and worst enemy. My life will never be the same without it, but I still wish I could erase all memory of its existence so I could live in peace.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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    Courtanae HeslopWritten by Courtanae Heslop

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