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Love can easily blind us, preventing us from seeing a person's true nature

Love can blind us

By Simple2DPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Love is a powerful and complex emotion that can profoundly influence our perceptions and judgment. It has the remarkable ability to both elevate and obscure our understanding of a person's true nature.

I am sure most of us had that experience when we were in love, everything of the other half was perfect, or at the very least being happy with them.

It's also important to note that the intensity of love can vary. In long-term relationships, love might evolve to become more realistic and grounded in a deeper understanding of a person's true nature.

For example, once the 'honeymoon' period is over, we will tend to see the 'ugly' side of our partner.

Because while love can bring immense joy and happiness, it can also cloud our vision and prevent us from recognizing the flaws, manipulations, or negative traits of the object of our affection.

One of the primary ways in which love blinds us is by triggering a flood of positive emotions. When we're in love, we tend to focus on the qualities we adore in the person, often idealizing them. Their flaws or negative behaviors may be downplayed or even overlooked entirely. This rosy view can prevent us from seeing red flags or warning signs that might otherwise be glaringly obvious.

Some spot these warning signs too late, for example, they only see their partner's bad point when married. That's why nowadays divorce rates are so high.

I personally have not gone into the marriage stage yet, but I have seen peers or workmates going through divorce. Before marriage they were like saying how perfect or good they were, but after marriage is a whole different thing.

It's not easy for them to go through it, and having the confidence to find another relationship again, for those with kids is even tougher in a way.

Because for some people cannot accept partners with kids or are divorced, even though nowadays most people can be quite open with it. But just not for some though.

Love has a way of skewing our perspective. We become emotionally invested in the relationship, making it difficult to maintain objectivity. We may justify or rationalize behaviors that we would find unacceptable in others. This emotional bias can lead us to dismiss concerns raised by friends and family who see the situation more clearly.

Furthermore, love can foster a deep sense of vulnerability. When we care deeply for someone, we may fear losing them or being alone. This fear can make us hesitant to confront issues in the relationship or question the person's intentions, even when our instincts tell us something is amiss.

Manipulative individuals can exploit this vulnerability, taking advantage of our affection to further their own interests. They may use affection and intimacy to manipulate us into accepting behaviors or situations that are not in our best interest. Love can blind us to these manipulations, leaving us trapped in unhealthy or abusive relationships.

In some cases, love can also cloud our judgment when it comes to our own self-worth. We may believe that we don't deserve better treatment or that this is the best we can hope for, causing us to settle for less than we deserve.

In conclusion, love is a double-edged sword. While it can bring immense happiness and fulfillment, it can also obscure our judgment and prevent us from seeing a person's true nature, flaws, or manipulations. It's crucial to maintain a balance between the emotional intensity of love and a rational assessment of a person's character. This balance allows us to enjoy the beauty of love while remaining vigilant and making informed decisions about our relationships.


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