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Letting Go

The Painful Journey of Moving On

By NomiPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

What, in your opinion, do you think is the most hurtful feeling in the world? For me, personally, the most excruciating feeling has to move on from something you don't want to let go of, and it has become the most difficult part of my life. Letting go of a loving connection is like trying to release a piece of your soul that is intertwined with memories, emotions, and dreams. It feels like an dangerous task, a painful journey through uncharted territory.

In my wallet, I still carry a photo of her—a snapshot frozen in time, capturing her radiant smile. Whenever life shows me challenges and obstacles, I instinctively reach for that photo. I open my wallet; gaze upon her smile, and in that moment, a surge of determination courses through my veins. It's as if her smile possesses an incredible power, empowering me to conquer any hardship that comes my way. The strength it evokes within me is undeniable, yet bittersweet, for it reminds me of what I've lost.

But now, I can only see her in photos, trapped within the realm of captured memories. I have come to accept that she is no longer a part of my reality. The last time we met, there was a complete silence that hung in the air. It wasn't a romantic meet up; instead, it was a sadden meeting. Time had moved us so far apart that we struggled to recognize each other. We had evolved, grown, and changed. The lives we had built for ourselves had become so distinct that they seemed to exist in different dimensions.

WAIT! For the readers: you might be assuming that she left me, didn't you? That would be the simple narrative, but life is rarely that straightforward. It was not her choice or mine that led us to this place of separation. It was the circumstances that dictated our paths. I refuse to assign blame to either of us; instead, I acknowledge the complex web of factors that conspired to bring us to this juncture.

We were once a couple fill with happiness, our love tested and fortified by countless battles. We weathered storms, fought for our relationship, and emerged stronger. We were the epitome of flexibility, defying the odds to rebuild what was shattered. But this time, the struggle was different. The forces at play were stronger, more relentless, and we found ourselves caught in a turbulent tide that carried us in opposite directions.

And now, as I reflect on our journey, I can't help but feel that this might be the end. The chapter we shared, filled with joy and heartache, laughter and tears, seems to be closing. It is a painful realization, one that tugs at the deepest corners of my heart. I must summon the courage to accept the finality of our story, to embrace the lessons learned, and to move forward with the memories as precious keepsakes.

Moving on from something you never wanted to release is an arduous path to walk. It is filled with moments of longing, of questioning, and of profound sadness. Yet, within that pain lays an opportunity for growth, for self-discovery, and for the eventual emergence of a renewed spirit. It is in the act of letting go that we find the resilience to rebuild, to redefine our lives, and to open ourselves to new possibilities.

So, as I reluctantly bid farewell to the chapter that defined so much of who I am, I embark on a new journey—one that holds both uncertainty and hope. The photo in my wallet will forever serve as a reminder of what was, of the power of a smile that once moved mountains within me. And with each step I take, I carry with me the lessons learned

A song by Passenger,

“Well, you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go.”


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Passionate blogger sharing insights, inspiration, and practical tips about anything. Join me on an exciting journey of exploration and growth!

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