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Let's Talk: Lust Versus Love

Lust and Love are not the same. But what is it that differentiates these two powerful energies?

By Sadé AnthonyPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Lunette was unsure if Louis desired to love her or to merely take her back to his bed quarters.

Lust and Love.

Let's talk.

Part of Womanhood is discovering lust, this powerful and rather passionate energy that is so strong, many woman pay their bills just from lust itself.

Society teaches women the power of lust. Revealing photos, or not too revealing, challenging men with the ultimate truth of your sexuality.

When a man lusts you it can be flattering. His desire to devour your divine body. Your beauty and sexuality has got his attention thus far.

You may even mistake lust for love.

Why the Confusion behind Lust and Love

Well, there is merely biology. Masculine brains are more visually stimulated than female brains, therefore women are naturally more aesthetic. Breasts, waists, hips, thighs were all meant to send a man wild back in hunter gatherer days. Generous assets let a cave man know a woman was healthy, fertile, with wide child-bearing hips denoting her robust capability to carry and deliver a child.

Due the visual aspect of the masculine brain, the physical aspects of women are what typically stimulates a man's attention. Make up, hair, fashion and even plastic surgery are all industries worth billions because of this. These starter drives are often lust-fuelled.

However, just to add an evolutionary twist, a bonding hormone is released in sexual activity. Oxytocin numbs pain receptors and is meant to promote feelings of happiness, safety and well-being, when spending time with your mate.

Well, judging from all of this we can come to a conclusion. Lust is a biological reaction used to trick a man into monogamy.

But let's take it back to the 21st century, a time where full figured, full lipped pouting Instagram models remain supreme, with their active, sporadic and often failing love lives all part of common mainstream media. Many woman can attest to using lust their whole life to gain male attention, whilst seemingly to remain single or in short term relationships, dealing with men that only seem to want one that One Thing.

Women are feeling, emotional creatures with more neurones in the parts of their brains typically associated with emotional intelligence. We desire love and protection. Modern dating would have you see it as a mating dance, women flaunting the possibility of sexual copulation whilst men offering the possibility of emotional nurturing and commitment.

So what do we do? Society encourages woman to flaunt lust to get a man's attention. How do we know when a man actually wants to love and nurture us? How can we differentiate between the man that wants to remain within his lustful starter drives, and a man that wants to love us?

The Essence of Lust

Lust is primarily sexually driven. A person who lusts you may only speak with you due to sexual attraction. A person who only lusts you will have little desire to get to know your soul, worry about what your favourite colour is, or care about your individuality. He may even fake interest in these things and stop caring once his lust is satiated. We all have experienced a man who's behaviour changed once dating was consummated.

A person who lusts you will be easily attracted to other women who are also aesthetic, have generous assets, or assets that he prefers in women. Lust is not an exclusive energy.

A person who lusts you will probably tell you your sexy, rather than beautiful, they will have little interest in your goals, dreams and ambitions; they won't have any genuine care about what drives you as a person. A person who lusts you thinks only about how you can serve their primal sexual desire.

They call you at night, ignore you during the day, and as mentioned before will have little interest in getting to know you as a person.

Let's talk about Love.

A Genuine care for a Woman's well-being

A man who loves you won't have interest in other women. He appreciates you as a human being, and will appreciate your individuality. A man who loves you will desire your company and doesn't necessarily need anything sexual from you to remain interested. A man who loves you cares about your emotional well being. He will ask you everyday if you are okay, how is your day going, he will take a genuine interest in your goals and ambitions and will desire to help you to reach them. He will want to please you and will want to make you happy. He will honour your individuality and appreciate your mind. You will be a priority and his only desire will be to protect you, your feelings and ensure your happiness. He will want to prove to you that he is a worthy male by offering emotional connection, friendship, and other avenues of support.

So here is the difference. I know many women struggle in diffrentiating between lust and love, as both are powerful energies, only love is soul nourishing whilst lust is a temporary, rather shallow force that focuses on physical attributes.

So my lovely ladies, here is a talk on the difference between lust and love. As a fatherless daughter myself it took time, trial and error to understand the difference, but here is my perspective on the conundrum.

Peace and love.


About the Creator

Sadé Anthony

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