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Leaving Separation for Gratitude of Differences within the Community of Humanity

Coming from a Root of Gratitude and Understanding

By Fallon HookailoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
"Thank you to all whom participate to our community of humanity"

We often find ourselves in turmoil due to not accepting other ways or opinions. The other we create are pinned as the outsider and often too many times hated. We are stuck in thinking our opinion is the only one and is always right. In this mind frame we can't come from a place of understanding. Instead, we create anger inside ourselves, feeling like the victim, because someone doesn't agree with us. In reality we are a victim self-created from self-hatred and lack of acceptance. If we need to be right so much so as to be angry, we are coming from a place of separation and fear.

As humans we want to connect. Too often we only connect and surround ourselves with people of like mind, because we feel free in our little circle. Although we reject those outside the circle. Creating an us vs. them mentality with separation and wars in our family and community. This has been seen all over the news and is devasting in many cases. When we act from a way of self-righteousness, we are also afraid of being kicked out of our own circle we feel secure in. How trifling if we learn something new and/or change our opinion. We would be rejected from our circle of trust. In the end this creates a person who is never truly free to be themselves. Out of the need to connect they do so on a foundation that will crack. One that creates separation from those outside the circle or of yourself later if an opinion changes to put yourself outside the circle of trust. One thing is certain with time there is change and your opinion will change, and your house comes crumbling down.

When we can come from a place of love within ourselves meaning we don’t need external validation of being lovable from another, then we can come from a foundation of love. We give up the need of others having to have the same ideas and opinions as we do. From this mindset we feel safe and want to learn of opinions different than our own. We see it as a way to expand our knowledge of what is. In this space we can be present and listen with curiosity to the people who surround us.

Having general interest in someone’s opinion without an agenda makes one feel connected and free. Fulfilling their need for connection with another human without feeling threatened. Not out of a conditional connection with rejection as soon as a difference of opinions arise, but with real and authentic human connection.

Another way to look at wanting to connect with others that are different we can think of is we are all together in the community as one. We are all individuals with a vast array of characteristics, talents and ideas that help our community function. No one person can do it all on their own.We need the people who pick our food, work at the grocery store, delivery our mail, pick up the trash, doctors, secretaries, inventors, childcare workers and many more not mentioned to keep the flow in our community. If we did not have people that were different from us, we would never grow as well as not have the ability to function as a society. With this viewpoint one can have gratitude even if they haven't yet attained unconditional love for themself.

If we can come together as a whole out of love and respect for one another. As well as realize we are all here serving our community in different ways, in which we are all a part of. No one is right/wrong or better/worse. Only one of a whole of human existence serving its planet for only a destined amount of time. In which we are all one in the same.


About the Creator

Fallon Hookailo

I am a physical therapist who has dedicated her life to higher conciousness. This includes mind, body and spirit being one. With my patients, friends and family I share my knowledge with hopes of overflowing to the whole of humanity.

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