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Laughing Through Life: Funny Instances We Can All Relate To

Sharing the Hilarious Moments That Make Life Worthwhile

By Love by @vocalPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Laughing Through Life: Funny Instances We Can All Relate To
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Life is full of serious moments, but it's important to find joy and laughter whenever possible. We've all had instances that are so funny they stick with us for life. Here are a few instances that are sure to bring a smile to your face.

The Time We Got Lost in the Woods

A group of friends set out on a hiking trip, but things quickly went awry when they got lost in the woods. As they stumbled through the wilderness, they started to realize that they had no idea where they were or how to get back to civilization. As the panic set in, one of the friends started singing "I Will Survive" at the top of their lungs. Soon enough, the entire group joined in, belting out the lyrics and laughing until their sides hurt. While they eventually made it out of the woods, they all agreed that the impromptu sing-along was the highlight of the trip.

The Time We Tried to Cook

Everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to cooking, and for a group of friends, that somewhere was a disastrous attempt at making spaghetti. They all gathered in the kitchen, armed with ingredients and a recipe they found online. However, things quickly started to go wrong when they realized they didn't have a pot big enough to hold all the noodles. Undeterred, they decided to cook the pasta in two separate pots, which resulted in an overflowing mess all over the stove. As they attempted to salvage the meal, they ended up burning the sauce and setting off the smoke alarm. In the end, they ordered pizza, but the memories of their cooking disaster remain.

The Time We Played Pranks

Sometimes the best way to have fun is to play a harmless prank on a friend. One group of friends decided to fill their friend's office with balloons as a surprise for their birthday. They spent hours blowing up balloons and carefully filling the room, making sure every inch was covered. When their friend walked in, they were completely taken aback, but soon joined in on the fun, batting the balloons around and laughing until they were red in the face. The cleanup was a bit of a hassle, but the laughter and memories made it all worth it.

The Time We Had a Dance Party

There's nothing like a good dance party to lift your spirits and make you forget your troubles. One group of friends found this out firsthand when they decided to have an impromptu dance party in their living room. They cranked up the music, dimmed the lights, and started busting out their best moves. Before they knew it, they were all sweating and out of breath, but they didn't care. The joy and laughter of that dance party stayed with them for weeks afterward.

The Time We Got Caught in the Rain

Rainy days can be a bummer, but not for one group of friends who decided to make the most of a sudden downpour. They all ran outside, jumping and splashing in the puddles, and soon enough, they were all completely soaked. As they huddled together under a nearby awning, they started singing songs and making up silly dance moves. Passersby looked at them like they were crazy, but they didn't care. They were having too much fun to worry about what anyone else thought.

The Time I Forgot My Own Name

One time, I was at a party and I introduced myself to someone new. I went to say my name, but for some reason, my mind went blank and I couldn't remember it. I ended up saying, "Hi, I'm um, me." We both had a good laugh about it, but I was pretty embarrassed.

The Time I Got Stuck in a Shirt

I was trying on clothes at a store when I decided to try on a shirt that was a little too small. As I was struggling to get it off, I realized that I was stuck. I started to panic a bit until a store employee came to my rescue and helped me get out of the shirt. I'm pretty sure I won't be trying on any more clothes that are too small for me.

The Time I Got Lost in My Own House

One day, I was walking around my house and decided to try a new route to get to the kitchen. However, I ended up getting lost and couldn't find my way back to the main part of the house. I eventually had to call my roommate for help, and she had a good laugh at my expense. From that day on, I made sure to stick to the familiar routes around my house.

The Time I Fell Asleep in Public

I was waiting in a long line at the bank when I started to feel really tired. I tried my best to stay awake, but before I knew it, I had dozed off. I woke up to the sound of people laughing, and I realized that I had fallen asleep while standing up. Needless to say, I was pretty embarrassed, but it definitely made for a funny story to tell later.

The Time I Accidentally Insulted My Friend's Cooking

My friend had invited me over for dinner and had spent all day cooking a meal for us. When she asked me how it tasted, I meant to say that it was good, but I accidentally said, "It's not bad." She looked a little hurt, and I quickly tried to correct myself by saying that it was actually really good. We had a good laugh about my accidental insult, and now I make sure to choose my words more carefully when complimenting someone's cooking.

These are just a few examples of funny instances that can happen to anyone. While they might be embarrassing at the time, they make for great stories and can provide some much-needed humor in our lives.

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About the Creator

Love by @vocal

Spread humanity and love each other

So grateful to be sharing my world with you

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