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Jobs of Emergency Dentists South East London

Kushel Morjaria dentist

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

There is a chance when you accidentally cause damage to your finger while chopping vegetables, and know to meet a doctor. But what about when you chip your tooth? Many people would still go to their family doctor for treatment. In fact, they actually need to meet an emergency dentist South East London when they face a dental emergency.

Not every situation can be considered a medical emergency. To help you understand when is the time to meet an emergency dentist South East London, consider answering the following:

• Are you going through severe pain? Severe pain and bleeding are clear signs of an emergency.

• Have you accidentally lost a tooth? If you act fast and meet Kushel Morjaria dentist, you may probably save your tooth.

• Are you facing a problem with a loose tooth or teeth? As an adult, you should never ignore a loose tooth. Loose teeth, even without pain, can cause severe problems.

• Do you have an infected mouth? An abscess or infection in your mouth can be life-threatening and must be considered an emergency.

• Are you facing a bleeding mouth problem? It is also a sign of a dental or medical emergency.

Some of the most common dental emergencies that require immediate attention are:


A persistent toothache often indicates a range of dental problems. The cause of dental pain should be identified at its earliest so that it is treated before it causes further damage. The two most common causes of a toothache can be because of pulp infection or when something gets stuck between two teeth or in your jaw bone. When your toothache worsens, it is critical to meet your dentist. In the meantime, you can apply a cold compress to provide comfort.

Chips or cracks in the teeth

These usually happen when you bite something hard or use teeth to do things besides chewing, or they can even occur because of an accident. People who have a habit of grinding or clenching their teeth are also prone to chipping or cracking teeth. If you have accidentally chipped your tooth, rinse any tooth fragment, preserve it in a glass of milk, and meet your emergency dentist at your earliest convenience.

Loose or knocked-out teeth

A facial impact that has caused a tooth to loosen or if it has fallen out requires immediate dental care. If you have a loose tooth, it is vital to keep that tooth in its socket and prevent it from falling out. You can try this by gently biting the tooth to help hold it in place. Similarly, when a tooth has been knocked out, locate it, handle it with a crown, and rinse. You can try to replace the tooth in its socket or store it in a glass of water or milk.

Soft tissue injury

Soft tissues include lips, gums, the inside of the cheeks, and the tongue. It would be best if you met an emergency dentist South East London when one of these gets injured. They will provide you with the proper treatment and guide you with further instructions.

Missing dental restoration

It is very likely to fall temporary dental restorations, although permanent restoration can also leave their place. Despite their type, both require emergency dental care.

Seek timely dental treatment to avoid an emergency

A dental emergency is a difficult situation, and people often fail to determine exactly what measures to take. If you are in a dental emergency, a Mindful dentist can solve your problem. The team of Mindful dentists is committed to providing first-class dental care for each and every patient, once and always.


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